I entered bug HDFView-201 for this issue.
It is possible that it is related to other UTF8 issue that was reported. However, the error message is different, so we should investigate.
You seem to have a HDFView 3 that can view hdf5 files without the “unsupported file format” error: hdfview-3-0-cannot-open-files-created-with-1-8-18, could you tell us the hdf5 version it is based on. We think that the latest HDFView 3 on the website was built incorrectly.
You seem to have a HDFView 3 that can view hdf5 files without the
“unsupported file format” error:
hdfview-3-0-cannot-open-files-created-with-1-8-18 https://forum.hdfgroup.org/t/hdfview-3-0-cannot-open-files-created-with-1-8-18/4937,
could you tell us the hdf5 version it is based on. We think that the
latest HDFView 3 on the website was built incorrectly.
As in the beginning of my message,
HDF Viewer, Version 3.0
For Windows 10
(from About box)
I believe that this confirms the issue Allen mentioned which we are seeing. We hope to resolve this soon.
As for your original problem here, we have made a few fixes in HDFView in regards to UTF-8, which is the reason you are encountering issues here. See the screenshot below from a development version of HDFView 3, where I can open your dataset just fine. Hopefully these fixes will make it into the new 3.1 release after we determine the cause of the above problem.
I believe that this confirms the issue Allen mentioned which we are
seeing. We hope to resolve this soon.
As for your original problem here, we have made a few fixes in HDFView
in regards to UTF-8, which is the reason you are encountering issues
here. See the screenshot below from a development version of HDFView 3,
where I can open your dataset just fine. Hopefully these fixes will make
it into the new 3.1 release after we determine the cause of the above
This is great news – I can’t wait for the fix release
I also noticed that my HDFView version doesn’t respect Display Indexing
Options/By Creation Order (although h5dump -q creation_order does). Is
it possible that it will be fixed in the upcoming re-release, too?
I tested this and I believe you are correct, HDFView does not seem to respect the indexing type when set from the User Options dialog. However, if you right click on the root group of the file, you should see a menu item called “Change File Indexing”. If you set “By Creation Order” here and then reload the file, HDFView should then correctly display according to the indexing chosen.