This is my first post on this forum. So I hope it is in the correct group.
The thing I try to accomplish is the following.
During a measurment, I get a lot of data per timestamp. This is dynamic, and of different types.
I use a set of packet tables to store this data, one table for a time-sequence of each measured value.
This however is quite slow. If I write the whole set to one packet table, using a Compound datatype, it goes much faster.
Follow-up tools within the company however expect the data in per measured value.
To accomplish this, I was experimenting with dataslabs and virtual datasets. I got this working, more or less. The only issue is that the virtual dataset does not contain a sequence of values of the datatype of the measured item, but contain a sequence of a compound datatype, with only one column, which is of the datatype of the measured item. To say it in c++ terms: I do not get an integer, but a struct containing only one integer.
Can I use Virtual datasets to create a dataset of the type of a single colnum frm a compount type.
This is the code I have made so far.
#define FILE "D:\\tmp\\sfile_compound.hdf5"
#define DATASET "DS1"
#define PARTDS "DS1"
#define DIM0 4
#define RANK 1
#define VDS_FILE "D:\\tmp\\sfile_compound_virtual.hdf5"
#define VDS_RANK 1
#define VDS_DATASET "VDS1"
hid_t compound_type;
typedef struct {
int serial_no;
char *location;
double temperature;
double pressure;
} sensor_t; /* Compound type */
hid_t file, filetype, strtype, space, dset;
/* Handles */
herr_t status;
hsize_t dims[RANK] = { DIM0 };
sensor_t wdata[DIM0], /* Write buffer */
int ndims;
hsize_t i;
* Initialize data.
wdata[0].serial_no = 1153;
wdata[0].location = "Exterior (static)";
wdata[0].temperature = 53.23;
wdata[0].pressure = 24.57;
wdata[1].serial_no = 1184;
wdata[1].location = "Intake";
wdata[1].temperature = 55.12;
wdata[1].pressure = 22.95;
wdata[2].serial_no = 1027;
wdata[2].location = "Intake manifold";
wdata[2].temperature = 103.55;
wdata[2].pressure = 31.23;
wdata[3].serial_no = 1313;
wdata[3].location = "Exhaust manifold";
wdata[3].temperature = 1252.89;
wdata[3].pressure = 84.11;
* Create a new file using the default properties.
* Create variable-length string datatype.
strtype = H5Tcopy(H5T_C_S1);
status = H5Tset_size(strtype, H5T_VARIABLE);
* Create the compound datatype for memory.
compound_type = H5Tcreate(H5T_COMPOUND, sizeof(sensor_t));
status = H5Tinsert(compound_type, "Serial number",
HOFFSET(sensor_t, serial_no), H5T_NATIVE_INT);
status = H5Tinsert(compound_type, "Location", HOFFSET(sensor_t, location),
status = H5Tinsert(compound_type, "Temperature (F)",
HOFFSET(sensor_t, temperature), H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE);
status = H5Tinsert(compound_type, "Pressure (inHg)",
HOFFSET(sensor_t, pressure), H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE);
* Create dataspace. Setting maximum size to NULL sets the maximum
* size to be the current size.
space = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, NULL);
* Create the dataset and write the compound data to it.
dset = H5Dcreate(file, DATASET, compound_type, space, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT,
status = H5Dwrite(dset, compound_type, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, wdata);
* Close and release resources.
status = H5Tclose(compound_type);
status = H5Sclose(space);
status = H5Dclose(dset);
status = H5Fclose(file);
// OK, let's try to get a column from a coumpound type
// First create the file for the VDS
hid_t vfile = H5Fcreate(VDS_FILE, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
// Now a VDS dataspace, only for the first column
hsize_t vdsdims[VDS_RANK] = { 0 }; //<
hsize_t vdsmax_dims[VDS_RANK] = { H5S_UNLIMITED };
hid_t vspace = H5Screate_simple(VDS_RANK, vdsdims, vdsmax_dims);
// A source dataspace
hsize_t dims[COMPOUND_RANK] = { 0 }; //<
hsize_t max_dims[COMPOUND_RANK] = { H5S_UNLIMITED };
hid_t src_space = H5Screate_simple(COMPOUND_RANK, dims, max_dims);
// Creation property
hid_t dcpl = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
// Create VDS compound type
hid_t vds_compound_type = H5Tcreate(H5T_COMPOUND, sizeof(H5T_NATIVE_INT));
herr_t status = H5Tinsert(vds_compound_type, "Serial number",
// Creat mapping
const hsize_t src_start[COMPOUND_RANK] = { 0, 0};
const hsize_t src_count[COMPOUND_RANK] = { H5S_UNLIMITED, 1};
const hsize_t vds_start[VDS_RANK] = { 0 };
const hsize_t vds_count[VDS_RANK] = { H5S_UNLIMITED };
// First get the source dataslab: select what we want from the source file
status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(src_space, H5S_SELECT_SET, src_start, NULL, src_count, NULL);
// Now get the VDS dataslab, how we want to store the data in teh target file
status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(vspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, vds_start, NULL, vds_count, NULL);
// Connect the two
status = H5Pset_virtual(dcpl, vspace, FILE, PARTDS, src_space);
// ???
// Stap 4: write the virtual dataset definition to the file
hid_t vdset = H5Dcreate2(vfile, VDS_DATASET, vds_compound_type, vspace, H5P_DEFAULT, dcpl, H5P_DEFAULT);
status = H5Sclose(vspace);
status = H5Sclose(src_space);
status = H5Pclose(dcpl);
status = H5Dclose(vdset);
status = H5Fclose(vfile);