VFD SWMR - Current status and future plans - Dana Robinson on Call the Doctor 4/4/23

VFD SWMR - Current status and future plans - Dana Robinson on Call the Doctor 4/4/23

In Tuesday’s Call the Doctor, Dana (@derobins) will discuss upcoming releases and will also talk about VFD SWMR (latest RFC here), a new implementation of the single-writer/multiple-readers I/O pattern that works with most HDF5 API calls. This feature was intended for release in HDF5 1.14.0, but has been delayed. He’ll talk about the current status of the feature, what it will take to bring it up to speed, and our future plans for it.

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April 4, 2023 12:20 p.m. central time US/Canada

Here’s the recording from yesterday’s Call the Doctor, where Dana discussed current status and future plans of the VFD SWMR.

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