use long type for array dimension to avoid array too large error


I am using the HDF5 plugin from ImageJ to view large 3D image arrays and encountered a ‘length is too large’ error. After a little bit of digging, it seems like the error comes from the fact that the array size is stored in int instead of long for one-dimensional arrays ().

static int getOneDimensionalArraySize(final long[] dimensions)
assert dimensions != null;

        if (dimensions.length == 0) // Scalar data space needs to be treated differently
            return 1;
        if (dimensions.length != 1)
            throw new HDF5JavaException("Data Set is expected to be of rank 1 (rank="
                    + dimensions.length + ")");
        final int length = (int) dimensions[0];
        if (length != dimensions[0])
            throw new HDF5JavaException("Length is too large (" + dimensions[0] + ")");
        return length;

Is it possible to switch all dimensionality related var to long type for jHDF5 as viewing large data set is quite common in the tomography field?


Java array indices are ints - therefore the problem is finding a way to get larger arrays with that restriction.


Is there any chance that the support for large arrays will be implemented in a future release of HDF5?
