Unmanaged dlls not copying to published folder

Dear all,
I have a stupid question to ask as I am a rookie and not a professional software developer. I have built a desktop application using HDF.PInvoke, it works without any issues in my PC. But when it is installed on other computers, it gives an exception “The type initialiser for ‘HDF.PInvoke.H5F’ threw an exception”.

I installed HDF.PInvoke from nugets, I can see build subfolder folder containing bin32 and bin64. No issues here. Again my target platform is set to x64 and I am using VS2017 Community.

In the published folder, I see a file, HDF.PInvoke.dll.deploy but not hdf5.dll and other pre-requisites. If I understand the instructions from github, the pre-requisites needs to be installed separately at the target PC and in the App.config file I need to include the below. Please correct me here.

<add key ="NativeDependenciesAbsolutePath" value=".\bin\bin64" />


I have also gone through the thread in the Issue 28. But its not clear if I need to copy the hdf5.dll files to bin folder manually.

Is it also necessary to install vcredist 2013 in other PCs.


I have resolved the issue myself. All I needed to do was to install the HDF5 libraries to other PC.
