The HDF Group at AGU24

The HDF Group will be at AGU24 the annual conference of the American Geophysical Union in Washington DC next week, December 9-13, 2024. We’ll be sharing booth #1008 (map) with our friends from OPeNDAP.

We’d love to talk to you if you’re attending too! Stop by the booth, or contact us if you’d like to schedule a time to talk with the staff members attending:

  • Dana Robinson, Director of Engineering (@derobins)
    Dana is a skilled software engineer and scientific data architect with over twenty-five years of experience across a wide variety of disciplines. As Director of Engineering for The HDF Group, Dana is responsible for developing the roadmap for HDF5.

  • Aleksandar Jelenak, Senior Informatics Architect (@ajelenak)
    Aleksandar has a background as a scientist working with geospatial and geoscience data, and now works at The HDF Group to make HDF5 and related tools more effective for other scientists. He’s has expertise in h5py, HDF5/JSON, Cloud optimized HDF5, and Climate and Forecast (CF) metadata conventions.

Come talk to us about how you use HDF5 and your pain points. If you’re a newbie, we’ll do our best to direct you to the resources that can help. If you’d like to schedule a brief meeting while at AGU, use our contact form, or if you are already in communication with Dana or Aleksandar, feel free to reach out to them directly. We look forward to meeting community members in DC next week!