Testing Out HDF5....

Hello All,

I am considering HDF5 as the file format for a grid type data format we use
in our software. As such, the format and API are fairly new to me. Each
cell contains about 8-10 pieces of data so I am using a compound type. I am
also using the C++ API.

Here is where I am having trouble. When I initially setup the dataset, I
don't know how big the grid will be. So it gets setup like this:



      db = new H5File( file_name, H5F_ACC_TRUNC );

      CompType mtx_data( sizeof( mtx_cell_t ));

      mtx_data.insertMember( "UpdateTime", offsetof( mtx_cell_t, update_time
), PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE );

      mtx_data.insertMember( "CenterX", offsetof( mtx_cell_t, center_x ),

      mtx_data.insertMember( "CenterY", offsetof( mtx_cell_t, center_y ),

      mtx_data.insertMember( "CenterZ", offsetof( mtx_cell_t, center_z ),

      mtx_data.insertMember( "Minimum", offsetof( mtx_cell_t, min ),

      mtx_data.insertMember( "Maximum", offsetof( mtx_cell_t, max ),

      mtx_data.insertMember( "Sum", offsetof( mtx_cell_t, sum ),

      mtx_data.insertMember( "Squares", offsetof( mtx_cell_t, sum_squares ),
PredType::NATIVE_LONG );

      mtx_data.insertMember( "Samples", offsetof( mtx_cell_t, samples ),
PredType::NATIVE_UINT );

      mtx_data.insertMember( "Entries", offsetof( mtx_cell_t, entries ),
PredType::NATIVE_UINT );

      hsize_t dim_data[2] = { 1, 1 };

      hsize_t max_dims[2] = { H5S_UNLIMITED, H5S_UNLIMITED };

      DataSpace data_space( 2, dim_data, max_dims );

      mtx_cell_t blank;

      setmem( &blank, sizeof( mtx_cell_t ), 0 );

      DSetCreatPropList cparms;

      hsize_t chunk_dims[2] ={1, 1};

      cparms.setChunk( 2, chunk_dims );

      cparms.setFillValue( mtx_data, &blank );

      cell_data = new DataSet(db->createDataSet( "Matrix", mtx_data,
data_space, cparms));

      hsize_t dim_attr[] = {1};

      DataSpace data_attr( 1, dim_attr );

      CompType mtx_params( sizeof( mtx_params_t ));

      mtx_params.insertMember( "AnchorX", offsetof( mtx_params_t, anchor.x
), PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT );

      mtx_params.insertMember( "AnchorY", offsetof( mtx_params_t, anchor.y
), PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT );

      mtx_params.insertMember( "Width", offsetof( mtx_params_t, width ),

      mtx_params.insertMember( "Height", offsetof( mtx_params_t, height ),

      mtx_params.insertMember( "CellWidth", offsetof( mtx_params_t,
cell_width ), PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT );

      mtx_params.insertMember( "CellHeight", offsetof( mtx_params_t,
cell_height ), PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT );

      mtx_params.insertMember( "Rotation", offsetof( mtx_params_t, rotation
), PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT );

      cell_data->createAttribute( "Information", mtx_params, data_attr );


When the grid size is determined, the dataset gets expanded like:


   mtx_info = mtx_params;

   cos_rot = cos( mtx_info.rotation );

                sin_rot = sin( mtx_info.rotation );

                i_num_height = ( mtx_info.height / mtx_info.cell_height ) +

                i_num_width = ( mtx_info.width / mtx_info.cell_width ) + 1;

                i_num_cells = i_num_height * i_num_width;

   hsize_t dim_data[2] = { i_num_height, i_num_width };

   cell_data->extend( dim_data );

   Attribute attr = cell_data->openAttribute( "Information" );

   CompType datatype = attr.getCompType();

   attr.write( datatype, &mtx_info );


Later, my attempts to read and write to the dataset are met with an

Here is the test code:


      mtx_cell_t mtx_cell;

      CompType type = cell_data->getCompType();

      hsize_t dim_data[] = { 1, 1 };

      DataSpace ds( 2, dim_data );

                   hsize_t start[2]; // Start of hyperslab

                   hsize_t stride[2]; // Stride of hyperslab

                   hsize_t count[2]; // Block count

                   hsize_t block[2]; // Block sizes

      start[0] = h; start[1] = w;

                   block[0] = 1; block[1] = 1;

                   stride[0] = 1; stride[1] = 1;

                   count[0] = 1; count[1] = 1;

      ds.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET, count, start, stride, block );

      cell_data->read( &mtx_cell, type, ds );


Know that the code is in very early rough testing phase, just trying to get
a feel about how to work with this. I know for sure it is something that I
am not understanding and I am leaving out a important step, I just haven't
been able to grasp what that is. Any suggestions?



Hi John,

Hello All,

I am considering HDF5 as the file format for a grid type data format we use in our software. As such, the format and API are fairly new to me. Each cell contains about 8-10 pieces of data so I am using a compound type. I am also using the C++ API.

  At a first approximation, what you are doing below should work. Can you send a standalone test program that shows the failure to 'help@hdfgroup.org' and we'll check into it further.

  A word of caution about the code below - although setting the chunk dimensions to 1x1 will work, it will make each element in the dataset into a separate chunk and your file size will be _very_ large and your performance will suffer greatly also. You should set the chunk size to something closer to the size you will use for either reading or writing the data.



On Jul 13, 2009, at 12:55 PM, John D. Marinuzzi wrote:

Here is where I am having trouble. When I initially setup the dataset, I don’t know how big the grid will be. So it gets setup like this:

      db = new H5File( file_name, H5F_ACC_TRUNC );

      CompType mtx_data( sizeof( mtx_cell_t ));
      mtx_data.insertMember( "UpdateTime", offsetof( mtx_cell_t, update_time ), PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE );
      mtx_data.insertMember( "CenterX", offsetof( mtx_cell_t, center_x ), PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT );
      mtx_data.insertMember( "CenterY", offsetof( mtx_cell_t, center_y ), PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT );
      mtx_data.insertMember( "CenterZ", offsetof( mtx_cell_t, center_z ), PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT );
      mtx_data.insertMember( "Minimum", offsetof( mtx_cell_t, min ), PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT );
      mtx_data.insertMember( "Maximum", offsetof( mtx_cell_t, max ), PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT );
      mtx_data.insertMember( "Sum", offsetof( mtx_cell_t, sum ), PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE );
      mtx_data.insertMember( "Squares", offsetof( mtx_cell_t, sum_squares ), PredType::NATIVE_LONG );
      mtx_data.insertMember( "Samples", offsetof( mtx_cell_t, samples ), PredType::NATIVE_UINT );
      mtx_data.insertMember( "Entries", offsetof( mtx_cell_t, entries ), PredType::NATIVE_UINT );

      hsize_t dim_data[2] = { 1, 1 };
      hsize_t max_dims[2] = { H5S_UNLIMITED, H5S_UNLIMITED };
      DataSpace data_space( 2, dim_data, max_dims );

      mtx_cell_t blank;
      setmem( &blank, sizeof( mtx_cell_t ), 0 );
      DSetCreatPropList cparms;
      hsize_t chunk_dims[2] ={1, 1};
      cparms.setChunk( 2, chunk_dims );

      cparms.setFillValue( mtx_data, &blank );

      cell_data = new DataSet(db->createDataSet( "Matrix", mtx_data, data_space, cparms));

      hsize_t dim_attr[] = {1};
      DataSpace data_attr( 1, dim_attr );

      CompType mtx_params( sizeof( mtx_params_t ));

      mtx_params.insertMember( "AnchorX", offsetof( mtx_params_t, anchor.x ), PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT );
      mtx_params.insertMember( "AnchorY", offsetof( mtx_params_t, anchor.y ), PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT );
      mtx_params.insertMember( "Width", offsetof( mtx_params_t, width ), PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT );
      mtx_params.insertMember( "Height", offsetof( mtx_params_t, height ), PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT );
      mtx_params.insertMember( "CellWidth", offsetof( mtx_params_t, cell_width ), PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT );
      mtx_params.insertMember( "CellHeight", offsetof( mtx_params_t, cell_height ), PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT );
      mtx_params.insertMember( "Rotation", offsetof( mtx_params_t, rotation ), PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT );
      cell_data->createAttribute( "Information", mtx_params, data_attr );


When the grid size is determined, the dataset gets expanded like:
   mtx_info = mtx_params;

   cos_rot = cos( mtx_info.rotation );
                sin_rot = sin( mtx_info.rotation );
                i_num_height = ( mtx_info.height / mtx_info.cell_height ) + 1;
                i_num_width = ( mtx_info.width / mtx_info.cell_width ) + 1;
                i_num_cells = i_num_height * i_num_width;

   hsize_t dim_data[2] = { i_num_height, i_num_width };
   cell_data->extend( dim_data );

   Attribute attr = cell_data->openAttribute( "Information" );
   CompType datatype = attr.getCompType();
   attr.write( datatype, &mtx_info );

Later, my attempts to read and write to the dataset are met with an exception.

Here is the test code:

      mtx_cell_t mtx_cell;
      CompType type = cell_data->getCompType();
      hsize_t dim_data[] = { 1, 1 };
      DataSpace ds( 2, dim_data );

                   hsize_t start[2]; // Start of hyperslab
                   hsize_t stride[2]; // Stride of hyperslab
                   hsize_t count[2]; // Block count
                   hsize_t block[2]; // Block sizes
      start[0] = h; start[1] = w;
                   block[0] = 1; block[1] = 1;
                   stride[0] = 1; stride[1] = 1;
                   count[0] = 1; count[1] = 1;

      ds.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET, count, start, stride, block );
      cell_data->read( &mtx_cell, type, ds );

Know that the code is in very early rough testing phase, just trying to get a feel about how to work with this. I know for sure it is something that I am not understanding and I am leaving out a important step, I just haven’t been able to grasp what that is. Any suggestions?


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