Table string columns with Fortran


I use hdf5 with fortran and I'm actually trying to read a table with
string columns.

Imagine a two string column table :


name surname

Name is a 30 characters string column.
Surname is a 20 characters string column.

According to my tests, the function

character(len=30), dimension(:), allocatable :: name
call h5tbread_field_name_f(file_id, path, "name", &

                           start, nrecords, type_size, &

                           name, hdferr)

must absolutely be a 30 characters array.
However, varying length character string is not (or very bad) supported
by compilers (as it is an extension).
So string length is a static value. I can only foresee a MAX length for
character string.

Is it (would it be) possible that the "name" array be a MAX characters
string array ?

Best regards,


I make a mistake in the preceding message :

In the


function call, the argument "name" must be a 30 characters array and not
the function.



Le 24/02/2010 15:23, Giraudon Cyril a �crit :



I use hdf5 with fortran and I'm actually trying to read a table with
string columns.

Imagine a two string column table :

name surname

Name is a 30 characters string column.
Surname is a 20 characters string column.

According to my tests, the function

character(len=30), dimension(:), allocatable :: name
call h5tbread_field_name_f(file_id, path, "name", &

                           start, nrecords, type_size, &

                           name, hdferr)

must absolutely be a 30 characters array.
However, varying length character string is not (or very bad) supported
by compilers (as it is an extension).
So string length is a static value. I can only foresee a MAX length for
character string.

Is it (would it be) possible that the "name" array be a MAX characters
string array ?

Best regards,


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