I have written a program how I will think the solution:
(As a not native english speaker it is simplier to speek C++ )
—><----------- Main example program —><----
// ExtensibleCompoundEnums.cpp
#include “H5Cpp.h”
#include “OutputColumns.h”
void append(H5::DataSet &dataset, H5::DataType& thetype, const void *data);
int main()
/* Output to explore the size of the types */
std::cout << “Compound with Enums” << std::endl;
std::cout << “sizeof(int)=” << sizeof(int) << " Native=" << H5::PredType::NATIVE_INT.getSize() << std::endl;
std::cout << “sizeof(double)=” << sizeof(double) << " Native=" << H5::PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE.getSize() << std::endl;
size_t length = 10;
* Turn off the auto-printing when failure occurs so that we can
* handle the errors appropriately
hsize_t dim[1] = { 0 }; // At the begin the size is 0, it will be expanded
hsize_t maxdim[1] = { H5S_UNLIMITED };
H5::DataSpace space(1, dim, maxdim);
H5::H5File file("CE.h5", H5F_ACC_TRUNC);
/* Here are the enums ad the columns defined.
* In the real programm, this information is read from an external schema, may be in XML
//? How can the EnumType named ?
H5::EnumType et_onoff(H5::PredType::NATIVE_INT);
int eval;
eval = 0; et_onoff.insert("Off", &eval);
eval = 1; et_onoff.insert("On", &eval);
std::clog << "EnumType OnOff Nmembers=" << et_onoff.getNmembers() << std::endl;
H5::EnumType et_color(H5::PredType::NATIVE_INT);
eval = 0; et_color.insert("white", &eval);
eval = 1; et_color.insert("red", &eval);
eval = 2; et_color.insert("blue", &eval);
eval = 3; et_color.insert("yellow", &eval);
std::clog << "EnumType Color Nmembers=" << et_color.getNmembers() << std::endl;
OutputColumns *output = new OutputColumns();
output->addColumn("a", H5::PredType::NATIVE_INT);
output->addColumn("b", et_onoff);
output->addColumn("c", H5::PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE);
output->addColumn("d", et_color);
H5::CompType thetype(output->getSize());
/* Modify dataset creation properties, enable chunking */
H5::DSetCreatPropList cparms;
hsize_t chunk_dims[1] = { 1 };
cparms.setChunk(1, chunk_dims);
cparms.setFillValue(thetype, output->getBuffer());
H5::DataSet dataset = file.createDataSet("ArrayOfMyType", thetype, space, cparms);
/* here the data is filled.
* In the real system, the data may come from the network in binary form and it is interpreted according the external Schema in XML
* Here we care, that the schema above is fullfilled
* In the real system megabyte of data is streamed
* The enums are received als integer values
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
output->writeint(i % 2); // enum onoff
output->writedouble(i / 2.0);
output->writeint(i % 4); // enum color
append(dataset, thetype, output->getBuffer());
delete output;
// catch failure caused by the H5File operations
catch (H5::FileIException error) {
std::clog << error.getCDetailMsg() << std::endl;
return -1;
// catch failure caused by the DataSet operations
catch (H5::DataSetIException error) {
std::clog << error.getCDetailMsg() << std::endl;
return -1;
// catch failure caused by the DataSpace operations
catch (H5::DataSpaceIException error) {
std::clog << error.getCDetailMsg() << std::endl;
return -1;
// catch failure caused by the DataSpace operations
catch (H5::DataTypeIException error) {
std::clog << error.getCDetailMsg() << std::endl;
return -1;
return 0;
void append(H5::DataSet &dataset, H5::DataType& thetype, const void *data)
hsize_t size[1];
hsize_t offset[1];
hsize_t dims[1];
H5::DataSpace fspaceold = dataset.getSpace();
int r = fspaceold.getSimpleExtentDims(dims);
hsize_t dims2[1] = { 1 }; // dimensions to add
size[0] = dims[0] + dims2[0];
H5::DataSpace fspacenew = dataset.getSpace(); // Dataset after resize
offset[0] = dims[0];
fspacenew.selectHyperslab(H5S_SELECT_SET, dims2, offset);
H5::DataSpace mspace2(1, dims2);
// Write the Data to the hyperslab
dataset.write(data, thetype, mspace2, fspacenew);
-------------><---------- OutputColumns.h ------------><-----------------------
#pragma once
#include <sys/types.h>
#include “H5Cpp.h”
class OutputColumns
currow_(0) {}
void addColumn(const std::string& name, const H5::DataType& dt);
size_t getSize() { return currentoffset_; }
void initCompound(H5::CompType& comptype);
void dump();
void allocBuffer();
void *getBuffer();
void beginRow();
void endRow();
void writeint(int i);
void writedouble(double d);
struct Entry
std::string name;
H5::DataType t;
off_t offset;
Entry(const std::string& pname, const H5::DataType& dt, off_t poffset);
Entry(const Entry& other);
std::vector<Entry> entries_;
off_t currentoffset_;
char *buffer_;
char *currow_;
std::vector<Entry>::iterator curfield_;
----------------><--------------- OutputColumns.cpp ----------------><-------------------------
#include “OutputColumns.h”
- alignment : offset will be aligned
- a = 2,4,8
- off: offset
void align(size_t a, off_t &off)
off = ((off + (a - 1)) / a)*a;
if (buffer_ != nullptr)
//free(buffer_); heap broken ???
buffer_ = nullptr;
void OutputColumns::addColumn(const std::string & name, const H5::DataType & dt)
align(dt.getSize(), currentoffset_);
Entry e(name, dt, currentoffset_);
currentoffset_ += dt.getSize();
void OutputColumns::initCompound(H5::CompType & comptype)
for (std::vector::iterator i = entries_.begin(); i < entries_.end(); ++i)
comptype.insertMember(i->name, i->offset, i->t);
void OutputColumns::dump()
for (std::vector::iterator i = entries_.begin(); i < entries_.end(); ++i)
std::cout << i->name << “\toffset=” << i->offset /<< “\ttype=” << i->t.getObjName()/ << std::endl;
void OutputColumns::allocBuffer()
buffer_ = (char *)malloc(getSize()+16);
memset(buffer_, ‘\0’, getSize());
void *OutputColumns::getBuffer()
return buffer_;
void OutputColumns::beginRow()
if (currow_ == 0)
currow_ = buffer_;
currow_ += getSize();
curfield_ = entries_.begin();
void OutputColumns::endRow()
void OutputColumns::writeint(int i)
//missing: check if current field is an int
char *curpos = currow_ + curfield_->offset;
*(int *)(curpos) = i;
void OutputColumns::writedouble(double d)
//missing: check if current field is a double
char *curpos = currow_ + curfield_->offset;
*(double *)(curpos) = d;
name = “”;
offset = 0;
OutputColumns::Entry::Entry(const std::string& pname, const H5::DataType& dt, off_t poffset):name(pname),offset(poffset)
OutputColumns::Entry::Entry(const Entry & other)
name = other.name;
offset = other.offset;
The append-Function use hyperslabs, I derived it from example_ds.cpp, stripped it down to one dimension and changed it to a compound type. Then I adapted it to this with dynamic/generic columns example.
The hyperslab-way with resizing the dataset works, but I’m afraid that it is to slow for streaming a lot of (sensor-)data.
As I looked to https://hdf5ql.com, I see that they also worked with hyperslabs.
As I investigated hdf5cpp.org, iH5::append, I saw a function used H5write_chunk which seems more performant.
The above program compiles and links, but it crashes when destructing the DataSet.
(OS Windows, Visual Studio 2017).
I will try it under Linux and investigate with valgrind to find the error.
A predecessor program, with explores the dynamic layout with a fixed size of records
worked correctly and h5dump dumps the data and resolves the enums.
4)I need only simple Types like NATIVE_INTEGER and NATIVE_DOUBLE and enums,
the data is not structured.
5) The details of the Schema in XML is not important here, imported is the fact fat the layout of a HDF5-Compound can be generic.
- The above program will be refactored: all stuff with the DataSet belongs in OutputColumns. OutputColumns will be become abstract, many outputformats are thinkable (text-CSV, …)
- How to make performant streaming in HDF5 ?
- Why the DataSet crashes in destructor in close() ? I will ask valgrind and report the answer soon.
Thanks for your answer