Storing a large number of floating point numbers that evolves over time

Hello HDF community

I want to store a large number of floating point numbers (20 000) , that
evolves over time.
At each time step, I want to save my 20 000 numbers in a HDF5 file.

I have tried to store them individually in datasets, (by creating 20 000
datasets), and extend each dataset when adding new data.
It works but it creates a large HDF5 file for small number of records (48.8
Mo to store the first iteration, with 20 000 * 64 bit floating numbers)

As I could not find a reasonnable solution, I now try to save them in a
compound dataset that I create dynamically.
I succeeded, however I am facing a limitation on the number of columns I
can insert in my compound dataset.

Apparently I can't create more than 1092 columns, and it is due to a limit
on an attribute's size that is 64K

H5O_alloc(): object header message is too large

Is there a way to fix this?

Is the only solution is:
- to store raw 64 bit floating number in an extendible numeric 2D array?
- to store columns name in a separate dataset?

I am using Hdf5 1.8.16 and 1.10.1

Below are the programs I use to create my dynamic compound dataset, and the
error message I have.

    module hdf5_module
      use iso_c_binding
      use hdf5
      implicit none
      integer, parameter :: r_k8 = selected_real_kind(10)
      integer, parameter :: HDF5_RANK = 1
      integer(hid_t) :: hdf5_s1_tid
      integer(hid_t) :: hdf5_file_id ! File identifier
      integer(hid_t) :: hdf5_dset_id1 ! Dataset identifier
      integer(hid_t) :: hdf5_dset_id1_prop ! Dataset creation property
      subroutine hdf5_init(filename)
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
        integer :: error
        integer(hid_t) :: fapl_id
        integer(hid_t) :: dataspace
        integer(hid_t) :: memspace
        character(len=15), parameter :: dsetname = "results"
        integer(hsize_t), dimension(1), parameter :: dimsc = (/1/)
        integer(hsize_t), dimension(1) :: dims = (/0/)
        integer(hsize_t), dimension(1) :: maxdims = (/0/)
        integer(size_t) :: structure_size
        integer :: i
        character(len=6) :: char_i

        call h5open_f(error)
        call h5pcreate_f( H5P_FILE_ACCESS_F, fapl_id, error)
        call h5pset_libver_bounds_f(fapl_id, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST_F,

        call h5fcreate_f(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC_F, hdf5_file_id, error)

        maxdims = H5S_UNLIMITED_F
        call h5screate_simple_f(HDF5_RANK, dims, dataspace, error, maxdims)

        call h5pcreate_f(H5P_DATASET_CREATE_F, hdf5_dset_id1_prop, error)
        call h5pset_chunk_f(hdf5_dset_id1_prop, HDF5_RANK, dimsc, error)

        structure_size = 1092 * 8
        call H5Tcreate_f(H5T_COMPOUND_F, structure_size, hdf5_s1_tid, error)
        do i=1,1092
            write(char_i, '(I6.6)') i
            call H5Tinsert_f(hdf5_s1_tid, "x"//char_i, int (8*(i-1),
size_t), h5kind_to_type(r_k8,H5_REAL_KIND), error)
        end do

        call h5dcreate_f(hdf5_file_id, dsetname, hdf5_s1_tid, dataspace,
hdf5_dset_id1, error, hdf5_dset_id1_prop)
        call h5sclose_f(dataspace, error)
      end subroutine

      subroutine hdf5_close()
        integer :: error
        call h5pclose_f(hdf5_dset_id1_prop, error)
        call h5dclose_f(hdf5_dset_id1, error)
        call h5fclose_f(hdf5_file_id, error)
      end subroutine
    end module

    program toto
        use hdf5_module
        character(LEN=12), parameter :: filename = "resultats.h5"
        call hdf5_init(filename)
        call hdf5_close()
    end program

    HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.10.1) thread 0:
      #000: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5D.c line 145 in H5Dcreate2(): unable to
create dataset
        major: Dataset
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #001: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Dint.c line 490 in H5D__create_named():
unable to create and link to dataset
        major: Dataset
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #002: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5L.c line 1695 in H5L_link_object(): unable to
create new link to object
        major: Links
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #003: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5L.c line 1939 in H5L_create_real(): can't
insert link
        major: Symbol table
        minor: Unable to insert object
      #004: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Gtraverse.c line 867 in H5G_traverse():
internal path traversal failed
        major: Symbol table
        minor: Object not found
      #005: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Gtraverse.c line 639 in H5G_traverse_real():
traversal operator failed
        major: Symbol table
        minor: Callback failed
      #006: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5L.c line 1742 in H5L_link_cb(): unable to
create object
        major: Object header
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #007: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5O.c line 3178 in H5O_obj_create(): unable to
open object
        major: Object header
        minor: Can't open object
      #008: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Doh.c line 291 in H5O__dset_create(): unable
to create dataset
        major: Dataset
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #009: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Dint.c line 1256 in H5D__create(): can't
update the metadata cache
        major: Dataset
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #010: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Dint.c line 916 in H5D__update_oh_info():
unable to update datatype header message
        major: Dataset
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #011: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Omessage.c line 183 in H5O_msg_append_oh():
unable to create new message in header
        major: Attribute
        minor: Unable to insert object
      #012: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Omessage.c line 223 in H5O_msg_append_real():
unable to create new message
        major: Object header
        minor: No space available for allocation
      #013: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Omessage.c line 1933 in H5O_msg_alloc():
unable to allocate space for message
        major: Object header
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #014: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Oalloc.c line 1314 in H5O_alloc(): object
header message is too large
        major: Object header
        minor: Unable to initialize object

What about a 2D dataset with dimensions (unlimited, 20 000)?


On 24 May 2017 at 10:54, Guillaume Jacquenot <> wrote:

Hello HDF community

I want to store a large number of floating point numbers (20 000) , that
evolves over time.
At each time step, I want to save my 20 000 numbers in a HDF5 file.

I have tried to store them individually in datasets, (by creating 20 000
datasets), and extend each dataset when adding new data.
It works but it creates a large HDF5 file for small number of records
(48.8 Mo to store the first iteration, with 20 000 * 64 bit floating

As I could not find a reasonnable solution, I now try to save them in a
compound dataset that I create dynamically.
I succeeded, however I am facing a limitation on the number of columns I
can insert in my compound dataset.

Apparently I can't create more than 1092 columns, and it is due to a limit
on an attribute's size that is 64K

H5O_alloc(): object header message is too large

Is there a way to fix this?

Is the only solution is:
- to store raw 64 bit floating number in an extendible numeric 2D array?
- to store columns name in a separate dataset?

I am using Hdf5 1.8.16 and 1.10.1

Below are the programs I use to create my dynamic compound dataset, and
the error message I have.

    module hdf5_module
      use iso_c_binding
      use hdf5
      implicit none
      integer, parameter :: r_k8 = selected_real_kind(10)
      integer, parameter :: HDF5_RANK = 1
      integer(hid_t) :: hdf5_s1_tid
      integer(hid_t) :: hdf5_file_id ! File identifier
      integer(hid_t) :: hdf5_dset_id1 ! Dataset identifier
      integer(hid_t) :: hdf5_dset_id1_prop ! Dataset creation property
      subroutine hdf5_init(filename)
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
        integer :: error
        integer(hid_t) :: fapl_id
        integer(hid_t) :: dataspace
        integer(hid_t) :: memspace
        character(len=15), parameter :: dsetname = "results"
        integer(hsize_t), dimension(1), parameter :: dimsc = (/1/)
        integer(hsize_t), dimension(1) :: dims = (/0/)
        integer(hsize_t), dimension(1) :: maxdims = (/0/)
        integer(size_t) :: structure_size
        integer :: i
        character(len=6) :: char_i

        call h5open_f(error)
        call h5pcreate_f( H5P_FILE_ACCESS_F, fapl_id, error)
        call h5pset_libver_bounds_f(fapl_id, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST_F,

        call h5fcreate_f(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC_F, hdf5_file_id, error)

        maxdims = H5S_UNLIMITED_F
        call h5screate_simple_f(HDF5_RANK, dims, dataspace, error, maxdims)

        call h5pcreate_f(H5P_DATASET_CREATE_F, hdf5_dset_id1_prop, error)
        call h5pset_chunk_f(hdf5_dset_id1_prop, HDF5_RANK, dimsc, error)

        structure_size = 1092 * 8
        call H5Tcreate_f(H5T_COMPOUND_F, structure_size, hdf5_s1_tid,
        do i=1,1092
            write(char_i, '(I6.6)') i
            call H5Tinsert_f(hdf5_s1_tid, "x"//char_i, int (8*(i-1),
size_t), h5kind_to_type(r_k8,H5_REAL_KIND), error)
        end do

        call h5dcreate_f(hdf5_file_id, dsetname, hdf5_s1_tid, dataspace,
hdf5_dset_id1, error, hdf5_dset_id1_prop)
        call h5sclose_f(dataspace, error)
      end subroutine

      subroutine hdf5_close()
        integer :: error
        call h5pclose_f(hdf5_dset_id1_prop, error)
        call h5dclose_f(hdf5_dset_id1, error)
        call h5fclose_f(hdf5_file_id, error)
      end subroutine
    end module

    program toto
        use hdf5_module
        character(LEN=12), parameter :: filename = "resultats.h5"
        call hdf5_init(filename)
        call hdf5_close()
    end program

    HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.10.1) thread 0:
      #000: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5D.c line 145 in H5Dcreate2(): unable to
create dataset
        major: Dataset
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #001: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Dint.c line 490 in H5D__create_named():
unable to create and link to dataset
        major: Dataset
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #002: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5L.c line 1695 in H5L_link_object(): unable
to create new link to object
        major: Links
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #003: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5L.c line 1939 in H5L_create_real(): can't
insert link
        major: Symbol table
        minor: Unable to insert object
      #004: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Gtraverse.c line 867 in H5G_traverse():
internal path traversal failed
        major: Symbol table
        minor: Object not found
      #005: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Gtraverse.c line 639 in H5G_traverse_real():
traversal operator failed
        major: Symbol table
        minor: Callback failed
      #006: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5L.c line 1742 in H5L_link_cb(): unable to
create object
        major: Object header
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #007: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5O.c line 3178 in H5O_obj_create(): unable to
open object
        major: Object header
        minor: Can't open object
      #008: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Doh.c line 291 in H5O__dset_create(): unable
to create dataset
        major: Dataset
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #009: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Dint.c line 1256 in H5D__create(): can't
update the metadata cache
        major: Dataset
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #010: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Dint.c line 916 in H5D__update_oh_info():
unable to update datatype header message
        major: Dataset
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #011: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Omessage.c line 183 in H5O_msg_append_oh():
unable to create new message in header
        major: Attribute
        minor: Unable to insert object
      #012: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Omessage.c line 223 in
H5O_msg_append_real(): unable to create new message
        major: Object header
        minor: No space available for allocation
      #013: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Omessage.c line 1933 in H5O_msg_alloc():
unable to allocate space for message
        major: Object header
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #014: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Oalloc.c line 1314 in H5O_alloc(): object
header message is too large
        major: Object header
        minor: Unable to initialize object

Hdf-forum is for HDF software users discussion.

FWIW and IMHO, and at the risk of sounding overly critical though that is not my intention, I am just going to say it...

...there is a right way and a wrong way to use HDF5.

Creating 20,000 datasets to store 20,000 floating point numbers each dataset storing a single float is not the right way to use HDF5. I mean if that actually makes sense in some context, then why stop there? Why not just create 20,000 HDF5 *files*, each file storing a single floating point number?

A dataset involves on the order of ¼ to ½ kilo-bytes of metadata (symbol table entry, file offset, name string and name heap, object header, type information, etc. ,etc., etc.). So, that represents a space (e.g. memory/file space) performance hit. Next, there is the time to open read and close each dataset simply to access any given float. That represents a massive time performance hit.

Worst of all, there are no tools in the HDF5 "eco-system" that will be able to treat your 20,000 floats stored in this way in any useful way. Can't plot 'em, can't read a hyperslab of them, can't create a numpy array out of them, can't compress them, etc., etc., etc.

What you want to use is, as someone else suggested, a *single* 2D dataset that is 20,000 X unlimited of type float<64>.

If issues such as string names for column headers are also part of the issue, store those as a second dataset or perhaps an attribute on the first dataset.

There are many examples of using HDF5 available that can help. Here are some...

"Hdf-forum on behalf of Guillaume Jacquenot" wrote:

Hello HDF community
I want to store a large number of floating point numbers (20 000) , that evolves over time.
At each time step, I want to save my 20 000 numbers in a HDF5 file.

I have tried to store them individually in datasets, (by creating 20 000 datasets), and extend each dataset when adding new data.
It works but it creates a large HDF5 file for small number of records (48.8 Mo to store the first iteration, with 20 000 * 64 bit floating numbers)

As I could not find a reasonnable solution, I now try to save them in a compound dataset that I create dynamically.
I succeeded, however I am facing a limitation on the number of columns I can insert in my compound dataset.
Apparently I can't create more than 1092 columns, and it is due to a limit on an attribute's size that is 64K

H5O_alloc(): object header message is too large

Is there a way to fix this?

Is the only solution is:
- to store raw 64 bit floating number in an extendible numeric 2D array?
- to store columns name in a separate dataset?

I am using Hdf5 1.8.16 and 1.10.1

Below are the programs I use to create my dynamic compound dataset, and the error message I have.

    module hdf5_module
      use iso_c_binding
      use hdf5
      implicit none
      integer, parameter :: r_k8 = selected_real_kind(10)
      integer, parameter :: HDF5_RANK = 1
      integer(hid_t) :: hdf5_s1_tid
      integer(hid_t) :: hdf5_file_id ! File identifier
      integer(hid_t) :: hdf5_dset_id1 ! Dataset identifier
      integer(hid_t) :: hdf5_dset_id1_prop ! Dataset creation property identifier
      subroutine hdf5_init(filename)
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
        integer :: error
        integer(hid_t) :: fapl_id
        integer(hid_t) :: dataspace
        integer(hid_t) :: memspace
        character(len=15), parameter :: dsetname = "results"
        integer(hsize_t), dimension(1), parameter :: dimsc = (/1/)
        integer(hsize_t), dimension(1) :: dims = (/0/)
        integer(hsize_t), dimension(1) :: maxdims = (/0/)
        integer(size_t) :: structure_size
        integer :: i
        character(len=6) :: char_i

        call h5open_f(error)
        call h5pcreate_f( H5P_FILE_ACCESS_F, fapl_id, error)
        call h5pset_libver_bounds_f(fapl_id, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST_F, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST_F, error)

        call h5fcreate_f(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC_F, hdf5_file_id, error)

        maxdims = H5S_UNLIMITED_F
        call h5screate_simple_f(HDF5_RANK, dims, dataspace, error, maxdims)

        call h5pcreate_f(H5P_DATASET_CREATE_F, hdf5_dset_id1_prop, error)
        call h5pset_chunk_f(hdf5_dset_id1_prop, HDF5_RANK, dimsc, error)

        structure_size = 1092 * 8
        call H5Tcreate_f(H5T_COMPOUND_F, structure_size, hdf5_s1_tid, error)
        do i=1,1092
            write(char_i, '(I6.6)') i
            call H5Tinsert_f(hdf5_s1_tid, "x"//char_i, int (8*(i-1), size_t), h5kind_to_type(r_k8,H5_REAL_KIND), error)
        end do

        call h5dcreate_f(hdf5_file_id, dsetname, hdf5_s1_tid, dataspace, hdf5_dset_id1, error, hdf5_dset_id1_prop)
        call h5sclose_f(dataspace, error)
      end subroutine

      subroutine hdf5_close()
        integer :: error
        call h5pclose_f(hdf5_dset_id1_prop, error)
        call h5dclose_f(hdf5_dset_id1, error)
        call h5fclose_f(hdf5_file_id, error)
      end subroutine
    end module

    program toto
        use hdf5_module
        character(LEN=12), parameter :: filename = "resultats.h5"
        call hdf5_init(filename)
        call hdf5_close()
    end program

    HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.10.1) thread 0:
      #000: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5D.c line 145 in H5Dcreate2(): unable to create dataset
        major: Dataset
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #001: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Dint.c line 490 in H5D__create_named(): unable to create and link to dataset
        major: Dataset
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #002: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5L.c line 1695 in H5L_link_object(): unable to create new link to object
        major: Links
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #003: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5L.c line 1939 in H5L_create_real(): can't insert link
        major: Symbol table
        minor: Unable to insert object
      #004: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Gtraverse.c line 867 in H5G_traverse(): internal path traversal failed
        major: Symbol table
        minor: Object not found
      #005: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Gtraverse.c line 639 in H5G_traverse_real(): traversal operator failed
        major: Symbol table
        minor: Callback failed
      #006: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5L.c line 1742 in H5L_link_cb(): unable to create object
        major: Object header
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #007: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5O.c line 3178 in H5O_obj_create(): unable to open object
        major: Object header
        minor: Can't open object
      #008: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Doh.c line 291 in H5O__dset_create(): unable to create dataset
        major: Dataset
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #009: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Dint.c line 1256 in H5D__create(): can't update the metadata cache
        major: Dataset
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #010: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Dint.c line 916 in H5D__update_oh_info(): unable to update datatype header message
        major: Dataset
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #011: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Omessage.c line 183 in H5O_msg_append_oh(): unable to create new message in header
        major: Attribute
        minor: Unable to insert object
      #012: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Omessage.c line 223 in H5O_msg_append_real(): unable to create new message
        major: Object header
        minor: No space available for allocation
      #013: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Omessage.c line 1933 in H5O_msg_alloc(): unable to allocate space for message
        major: Object header
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #014: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Oalloc.c line 1314 in H5O_alloc(): object header message is too large
        major: Object header
        minor: Unable to initialize object

Storing the column names in a String Array dataset and the data in a unlimited length, 20000 wide array (or transposed) seems to make sense. The 64K limitation on attributes is only for those attributes which reside in the object header. With attributes, you don’t have the option to only read in part of the array, so you’ll be reading in all 20000 column names whenever you open a file. With a dataset, you can read in specific indices. Also, if you are concerned about size overhead, having the column headers stored in a dataset would allow you to add compression, and I imagine your column header text would compress well.



From: Hdf-forum [] On Behalf Of Filipe Maia
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 1:57 AM
To: HDF Users Discussion List <>
Subject: Re: [Hdf-forum] Storing a large number of floating point numbers that evolves over time

What about a 2D dataset with dimensions (unlimited, 20 000)?

On 24 May 2017 at 10:54, Guillaume Jacquenot <<>> wrote:
Hello HDF community
I want to store a large number of floating point numbers (20 000) , that evolves over time.
At each time step, I want to save my 20 000 numbers in a HDF5 file.

I have tried to store them individually in datasets, (by creating 20 000 datasets), and extend each dataset when adding new data.
It works but it creates a large HDF5 file for small number of records (48.8 Mo to store the first iteration, with 20 000 * 64 bit floating numbers)

As I could not find a reasonnable solution, I now try to save them in a compound dataset that I create dynamically.
I succeeded, however I am facing a limitation on the number of columns I can insert in my compound dataset.
Apparently I can't create more than 1092 columns, and it is due to a limit on an attribute's size that is 64K

H5O_alloc(): object header message is too large

Is there a way to fix this?

Is the only solution is:
- to store raw 64 bit floating number in an extendible numeric 2D array?
- to store columns name in a separate dataset?

I am using Hdf5 1.8.16 and 1.10.1

Below are the programs I use to create my dynamic compound dataset, and the error message I have.

    module hdf5_module
      use iso_c_binding
      use hdf5
      implicit none
      integer, parameter :: r_k8 = selected_real_kind(10)
      integer, parameter :: HDF5_RANK = 1
      integer(hid_t) :: hdf5_s1_tid
      integer(hid_t) :: hdf5_file_id ! File identifier
      integer(hid_t) :: hdf5_dset_id1 ! Dataset identifier
      integer(hid_t) :: hdf5_dset_id1_prop ! Dataset creation property identifier
      subroutine hdf5_init(filename)
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
        integer :: error
        integer(hid_t) :: fapl_id
        integer(hid_t) :: dataspace
        integer(hid_t) :: memspace
        character(len=15), parameter :: dsetname = "results"
        integer(hsize_t), dimension(1), parameter :: dimsc = (/1/)
        integer(hsize_t), dimension(1) :: dims = (/0/)
        integer(hsize_t), dimension(1) :: maxdims = (/0/)
        integer(size_t) :: structure_size
        integer :: i
        character(len=6) :: char_i

        call h5open_f(error)
        call h5pcreate_f( H5P_FILE_ACCESS_F, fapl_id, error)
        call h5pset_libver_bounds_f(fapl_id, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST_F, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST_F, error)

        call h5fcreate_f(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC_F, hdf5_file_id, error)

        maxdims = H5S_UNLIMITED_F
        call h5screate_simple_f(HDF5_RANK, dims, dataspace, error, maxdims)

        call h5pcreate_f(H5P_DATASET_CREATE_F, hdf5_dset_id1_prop, error)
        call h5pset_chunk_f(hdf5_dset_id1_prop, HDF5_RANK, dimsc, error)

        structure_size = 1092 * 8
        call H5Tcreate_f(H5T_COMPOUND_F, structure_size, hdf5_s1_tid, error)
        do i=1,1092
            write(char_i, '(I6.6)') i
            call H5Tinsert_f(hdf5_s1_tid, "x"//char_i, int (8*(i-1), size_t), h5kind_to_type(r_k8,H5_REAL_KIND), error)
        end do

        call h5dcreate_f(hdf5_file_id, dsetname, hdf5_s1_tid, dataspace, hdf5_dset_id1, error, hdf5_dset_id1_prop)
        call h5sclose_f(dataspace, error)
      end subroutine

      subroutine hdf5_close()
        integer :: error
        call h5pclose_f(hdf5_dset_id1_prop, error)
        call h5dclose_f(hdf5_dset_id1, error)
        call h5fclose_f(hdf5_file_id, error)
      end subroutine
    end module

    program toto
        use hdf5_module
        character(LEN=12), parameter :: filename = "resultats.h5"
        call hdf5_init(filename)
        call hdf5_close()
    end program

    HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.10.1) thread 0:
      #000: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5D.c line 145 in H5Dcreate2(): unable to create dataset
        major: Dataset
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #001: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Dint.c line 490 in H5D__create_named(): unable to create and link to dataset
        major: Dataset
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #002: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5L.c line 1695 in H5L_link_object(): unable to create new link to object
        major: Links
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #003: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5L.c line 1939 in H5L_create_real(): can't insert link
        major: Symbol table
        minor: Unable to insert object
      #004: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Gtraverse.c line 867 in H5G_traverse(): internal path traversal failed
        major: Symbol table
        minor: Object not found
      #005: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Gtraverse.c line 639 in H5G_traverse_real(): traversal operator failed
        major: Symbol table
        minor: Callback failed
      #006: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5L.c line 1742 in H5L_link_cb(): unable to create object
        major: Object header
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #007: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5O.c line 3178 in H5O_obj_create(): unable to open object
        major: Object header
        minor: Can't open object
      #008: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Doh.c line 291 in H5O__dset_create(): unable to create dataset
        major: Dataset
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #009: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Dint.c line 1256 in H5D__create(): can't update the metadata cache
        major: Dataset
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #010: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Dint.c line 916 in H5D__update_oh_info(): unable to update datatype header message
        major: Dataset
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #011: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Omessage.c line 183 in H5O_msg_append_oh(): unable to create new message in header
        major: Attribute
        minor: Unable to insert object
      #012: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Omessage.c line 223 in H5O_msg_append_real(): unable to create new message
        major: Object header
        minor: No space available for allocation
      #013: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Omessage.c line 1933 in H5O_msg_alloc(): unable to allocate space for message
        major: Object header
        minor: Unable to initialize object
      #014: hdf5-1.10.1/src/H5Oalloc.c line 1314 in H5O_alloc(): object header message is too large
        major: Object header
        minor: Unable to initialize object

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