Selection I/O, a new feature in HDF5 1.14.1 - Neil Fortner on Call the Doctor, Tuesday May 23

Selection I/O, a new feature in HDF5 1.14.1 - Neil Fortner on Call the Doctor, Tuesday May 23

Neil Fortner (@nfortne2), Chief HDF5 Software Architect, will be hosting Call the Doctor on Tuesday, May 23. Neil will talk about Selection I/O, a new feature in HDF5 1.14.1. This feature allows the library to pass a non-contiguous I/O operation to the file driver in a single function call, and can also be used to enable collective I/O with type conversion. We will talk about:

  • What selection I/O is,
  • Benefits of and requirements for selection I/O,
  • Benefits of and requirements for collective type conversion,
  • Additions to the VFD layer, and
  • Other API additions.

To join us just hop on the zoom:
May 23, 2023 12:20 p.m. central time US/Canada

Here’s the recording from Neil’s session on Selection I/O.

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