My team builds HDF5 from source for use in our c++ libraries. We have some systems which are not allowed to have access to the internet, but would still like to be able to build from source on them.
I was wondering if such a thing was possible, and if so if there’s any documentation or guidance on how to do so? My main concern is replacing all of the http requests to urls defined in cacheinit.cmake.
Most definitely, that method is built-in. Even the cacheinit file, which is mostly for our testing reqs, can be overridden and controlled. I usually create a folder to store the tgz/zip files referenced in cacheinit for plugins, compression libs, etc. Then use that local path;
Another method would be to create a CMakeUsersPresets.json file from the CMakePresets.json file that does the same thing and overrides similar setting for paths.