Reading strings from a SWMR HDF5 file in a multiprocess setup fails


I’m trying to use a HDF5 file for exchanging numeric as well as string data between a writer and reader process.
I’m using h5py and the SWMR mode for that as that seems to support exactly this use case.
While reading numeric values concurrently while the wirter procerss fills the file works, reading string fails with an error:

OSError(“Can’t synchronously read data (address of object past end of allocation)”)

I adapted the multiprocessing SWMR example from the h5py documentation to see if that works at least.
But that fails with a different but very similiar error:

OSError: Can’t synchronously read data (len not positive after adjustment for EOA)

Note: Im using Windows 11

Has anyone a idea what goes wrong and how to fix it?

Used h5py version info:

h5py    3.12.1
HDF5    1.14.2
Python  3.12.2 (tags/v3.12.2:6abddd9, Feb  6 2024, 21:26:36) [MSC v.1937 64 bit (AMD64)]
sys.platform    win32
sys.maxsize     9223372036854775807
numpy   1.26.4
cython (built with) 3.0.11
numpy (built against) 2.1.1
HDF5 (built against) 1.14.2

Adapted SWMR multiprocessing code:

import sys
import time

import h5py
import numpy as np
import logging
from multiprocessing import Process, Event

class SwmrReader(Process):
    def __init__(self, event, fname, dsetname, timeout = 2.0):
        self._event = event
        self._fname = fname
        self._dsetname = dsetname
        self._timeout = timeout

    def run(self):
        self.log = logging.getLogger('reader')
        print("Reader: Waiting for initial event")
        assert self._event.wait( self._timeout )

        print(f"Reader: Opening file {self._fname}")
        f = h5py.File(self._fname, 'r', libver='latest', swmr=True, locking=False)
        assert f.swmr_mode
        dset = f[self._dsetname]
        text_dset = f['text_data']
            # monitor and read loop
            while self._event.wait( self._timeout ):
                print("Reader: Refreshing dataset")

                shape = dset.shape
                print("Reader: Read dset shape: %s"%str(shape))
                print(f"Reader: Text dataset shape: {text_dset.shape}")
                for i in range(text_dset.shape[0]):

class SwmrWriter(Process):
    def __init__(self, event, fname, dsetname):
        self._event = event
        self._fname = fname
        self._dsetname = dsetname

    def run(self):
        self.log = logging.getLogger('writer')"Creating file %s", self._fname)
        f = h5py.File(self._fname, 'w', libver='latest')
            arr = np.array([1,2,3,4])
            dset = f.create_dataset(self._dsetname, chunks=(2,), maxshape=(None,), data=arr)
            text_dset = f.create_dataset('text_data', (0,), maxshape=(None,), dtype=h5py.string_dtype())
            assert not f.swmr_mode

            print("Writer: SWMR mode")
            f.swmr_mode = True
            assert f.swmr_mode
            print("Writer: Sending initial event")

            # Write loop
            for i in range(5):
                new_shape = ((i+1) * len(arr), )
                print("Writer: Resizing dset shape: %s"%str(new_shape))
                dset.resize( new_shape )
                print("Writer: Writing data")
                dset[i*len(arr):] = arr
                text_dset.resize((text_dset.shape[0] + 1,))
                text_dset[-1] = f"Sample text {i}"
                #dset.write_direct( arr, np.s_[:], np.s_[i*len(arr):] )
                print("Writer: Flushing data")
                print("Writer: Sending event")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)10s  %(asctime)s  %(name)10s  %(message)s',level=logging.INFO)
    fname = 'swmrmp.h5'
    dsetname = 'data'
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        fname = sys.argv[1]
    if len(sys.argv) > 2:
        dsetname = sys.argv[2]

    event = Event()
    reader = SwmrReader(event, fname, dsetname)
    writer = SwmrWriter(event, fname, dsetname)"Starting reader")
    reader.start()"Starting writer")
    writer.start()"Waiting for writer to finish")
    writer.join()"Waiting for reader to finish")

If h5py is storing the strings as variable-length data, that datatype is not supported under the current SWMR implementation.

The reason for this is that variable-length data is stored outside the actual dataset, in a global heap that is not SWMR-safe. The dataset itself (which is SWMR-safe) only holds offsets into the heap.

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Try for example h5py.string_dtype(length=20). This will generate a fixed-length string datatype of 20 bytes (which will hold up to 20 ASCII characters). Note that the library will silently truncate when storing any string longer than 20 bytes.

Oh no, I didn’t realize strings are another kind of variable length data than numeric data were the corresponding axis is set to maxshape=(None,).
I checked the hdf5 file and the strings are indeed stored as variable length.
Does that mean that concurrently storing and reading numeric data, for example a 2d matrix, with resizable axes (maxshape=(None, None) does also not work with SWMR?
Seems like hdf5 is not the right format for storing and transfering variable length string data in a multiprocessing context or do you or anyone else have a suggestion for handling string data with HDF5?
I won’t know the length of the strings in advance so a fixed length string is not really an option.

Thank you very much for your insights!