Read Portion of Dataset


I’m rather new to the HDF5 format and I’ve been trying to find a simple way to read small segments of a really large dataset and have only found answers that are for problems much more complex than my own. I have a dataset stored on an HDF5 file that is made up of 100,000 arrays of 2,002 int values. All I need is to read 1,000 of these arrays at a time in successive order. What I’ve gathered from the documentation is that I need to use the hyperslab class for this but have not been able to find an example that is similar enough to my own and I’m still not familiar enough with the jargon to understand how to solve my problem. If anyone can point me to an example or could help me in any way I would greatly appreciate it.


Greetings Andres,

A “dataset” is essentially an array. It wouldn’t generally contain 100,000 arrays. If you can post the output of running

h5ls -r

on the file that would provide a clearer picture of the structure of the file you are working with.

Welcome @andres.abreu

In the data producer, was H5Dcreate called only once and all 100,000 of the arrays you describe streamed into it, maybe creating a 100,000x2,002 2D dataset? Or, was H5Dcreate called 100,000 times creating 100,000 different datasets in the file each of size 2,002?

The reason this is important is that hyperslabs work within a dataset, not across multiple datasets.

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Hyperslab Selection with H5CPP

As @miller86 pointed out hyperslab selection is the way to go. In order to make this work one has to have a datasets with chunked layout. Which is one of the possible H5D_COMPACT | H5D_CONTIGUOUS | H5D_CHUNKED | H5D_VIRTUAL dataset creation properties of the HDF5 CAPI and conveniently provided as h5::chunk{...} property list in this C++ template only library


In the first part we are creating an extendable dataset with fill value 3.0 and gzip compression; and a matching dimensions; notice that armadillo is col major system whereas HDF5 os row major therefore the dimensions are flipped.
In the second section we are to read selected region back into a B buffer

#include <armadillo>
#include <h5cpp/all>

int main(){
	h5::fd_t fd = h5::create("hyperslab.h5",H5F_ACC_TRUNC);  // and a file
	arma::mat M(10,8);                                // create a matrix
   { // CREATE a dataset, and write a hyperslab in it:
        h5::ds_t ds = h5::create<double>(fd,"single/chunked-dataset.mat"
                ,h5::current_dims{M.n_cols, M.n_rows}
                ,h5::chunk{M.n_cols,1} | h5::fill_value<double>{3.0} |  h5::gzip{3}
		arma::mat K = arma::zeros(2,3);
		h5::write(ds, K, h5::offset{2,4});
	// READ selected data back into a B buffer
	arma::mat B(5,6);
	h5::read(fd,"single/chunked-dataset.mat", B, h5::offset{1,2});
	std::cout << B <<std::endl;

The printout:

g++-10 -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include -I./ -o hyperslab.o  -std=c++20 -c hyperslab.cpp
g++-10 hyperslab.o -lhdf5  -lz -ldl -lm -lpthread -o hyperslab	
   3.0000   3.0000   3.0000   3.0000   3.0000   3.0000
   3.0000   3.0000   3.0000   3.0000   3.0000   3.0000
   3.0000        0        0        0   3.0000   3.0000
   3.0000        0        0        0   3.0000   3.0000
   3.0000   3.0000   3.0000   3.0000   3.0000   3.0000

Here is a great tutorial by M. Scot Breitenfeld, Elena Pourmal (The HDF Group), Suren Byna, Quincey Koziol
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) which can help you through some of the concepts.

best wishes: steven

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for the reply! When I type in that command this is what shows up:

/ Group
/ch1_horiz_offset Dataset {100000}
/ch1_horiz_scale Dataset {100000}
/ch1_samples Dataset {100000, 502/Inf}
/ch1_trig_offset Dataset {100000}
/ch1_trig_time Dataset {100000}
/ch1_vert_offset Dataset {100000}
/ch1_vert_scale Dataset {100000}
/ch2_horiz_offset Dataset {100000}
/ch2_horiz_scale Dataset {100000}
/ch2_samples Dataset {100000, 502/Inf}
/ch2_trig_offset Dataset {100000}
/ch2_trig_time Dataset {100000}
/ch2_vert_offset Dataset {100000}
/ch2_vert_scale Dataset {100000}
/ch3_horiz_offset Dataset {100000}
/ch3_horiz_scale Dataset {100000}
/ch3_samples Dataset {100000, 502/Inf}
/ch3_trig_offset Dataset {100000}
/ch3_trig_time Dataset {100000}
/ch3_vert_offset Dataset {100000}
/ch3_vert_scale Dataset {100000}
/ch4_horiz_offset Dataset {100000}
/ch4_horiz_scale Dataset {100000}
/ch4_samples Dataset {100000, 502/Inf}
/ch4_trig_offset Dataset {100000}
/ch4_trig_time Dataset {100000}
/ch4_vert_offset Dataset {100000}
/ch4_vert_scale Dataset {100000}
/ch5_horiz_offset Dataset {100000}
/ch5_horiz_scale Dataset {100000}
/ch5_samples Dataset {100000, 502/Inf}
/ch5_trig_offset Dataset {100000}
/ch5_trig_time Dataset {100000}
/ch5_vert_offset Dataset {100000}
/ch5_vert_scale Dataset {100000}
/ch6_horiz_offset Dataset {100000}
/ch6_horiz_scale Dataset {100000}
/ch6_samples Dataset {100000, 502/Inf}
/ch6_trig_offset Dataset {100000}
/ch6_trig_time Dataset {100000}
/ch6_vert_offset Dataset {100000}
/ch6_vert_scale Dataset {100000}
/ch7_horiz_offset Dataset {100000}
/ch7_horiz_scale Dataset {100000}
/ch7_samples Dataset {100000, 502/Inf}
/ch7_trig_offset Dataset {100000}
/ch7_trig_time Dataset {100000}
/ch7_vert_offset Dataset {100000}
/ch7_vert_scale Dataset {100000}
/ch8_horiz_offset Dataset {100000}
/ch8_horiz_scale Dataset {100000}
/ch8_samples Dataset {100000, 502/Inf}
/ch8_trig_offset Dataset {100000}
/ch8_trig_time Dataset {100000}
/ch8_vert_offset Dataset {100000}
/ch8_vert_scale Dataset {100000}

So a little background: I’m a particle physics PhD student and we’re running some tests on some sensors using an 8-channel oscilloscope. So these are all the required parameters used to reconstruct the data for each channel. This dataset just corresponds to 100,000 measurements made on the oscilloscope where each individual measurement consists of 2002 individual data points obtained from the scope. So far I’ve managed to get by just using 1,000 of these measurements per file like this:

H5File file("data/Coincidence_test.h5",H5F_ACC_RDONLY);

DataSet samplesDs(file.openDataSet("ch1_samples"));
DataSpace dataspace = samplesDs.getSpace();

int samples[1000][2002];,PredType::NATIVE_INT);

I just need to be able to modify this slightly to be able to handle much larger datasets, getting about 1,000 of these samples at a time.

Thanks you so much for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback! So the dataset I’m working with was made from the output of an 8-channel oscilloscope. H5Dcreate was used to store data anytime 500 events (signals above a certain threshold voltage) were registered. This was done until collecting a total of 100,000 of these such events. Furthermore, each event consists of 2,002 individual values. Up until now I was only looking at files with 1,000 events stored in it, which can be handled by memory during runtime. Here is an example of the code I’ve been using so far with no issues:

  H5File file("data/Coincidence_test.h5",H5F_ACC_RDONLY);

  DataSet samplesDs(file.openDataSet("ch1_samples"));
  DataSpace dataspace = samplesDs.getSpace();

  int samples[1000][2002];,PredType::NATIVE_INT);

What I’m trying to do is extend this code so that it can handle larger datasets and break them up into 1,000 event segments as I’d been doing before.

Thanks again for the feedback!

Thanks Steven!

I’ll look through the tutorial and see if it sheds some light on my problem.


this solution is on my github page

This one below generates the datasets with the dimensions posted, as well as the names(path); once the datasets are ready; we are scanning the root group for all datasets, keeping RANK 1 as outlined in my_callback(...) function. Shamelessly passed std::vector<std::string>* op_data acts along to skim off the dataset names of interest.
Then on it is straight forward: double IO loop pushes the data blocks of given size onto data accumulating all measurements we are interested.
The verification is to print out 3.14 barely missing PI day – Enjoy!

note: H5CPP RAII mechanism reduces code complexity, and increases readability, reliability… here is the HDF5 file, if I read your spec correctly: scope.h5 (20.0 KB)

hyperslab selection requires H5D_CHUNKED dataset layout.

/* Copyright (c) 2022 vargaconsulting, Toronto,ON Canada */

#include <armadillo>
#include <h5cpp/all>
#include <cstddef>
#include <fmt/core.h>

// our callback funciton
herr_t my_callback(hid_t group, const char* name, const H5L_info_t* info, void* op_data){
	h5::ds_t ds{H5Dopen(group, name, H5P_DEFAULT)}; // H5CPP with CAPI
	h5::sp_t file_space{H5Dget_space(ds)}; // H5CPP RAII
	// we are not interested in other than rank 1 data (vector)
	if( H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(file_space) != 1) return 0;
	//H5Dread(ds, mem_type, mem_space, file_space, h5::default_dxpl,;
	using T = std::vector<std::string>;
	T* names = static_cast<T*>(op_data); 
	return 0;
// typedef herr_t (*H5L_iterate_t)(hid_t group, const char *name, const H5L_info_t *info, void *op_data);

int main(){
	h5::fd_t fd = h5::create("scope.h5",H5F_ACC_TRUNC);  // and a file
	size_t n=100000, m=502;
	std::vector orientation {"horiz","trig","vert"};
	std::vector type{"offset","scale"};

	for (size_t ch=1; ch<=8; ch++){
		// this one is your samples
		h5::create<double>(fd, fmt::format("ch{}_samples", ch), 
			h5::current_dims{n,m}, h5::max_dims{n, H5S_UNLIMITED}, h5::chunk{1,512});
		// and here are your datasets with fake data
		for(auto o : orientation) for(auto t:type)
			h5::create<double>(fd, fmt::format("ch{}_{}_{}", ch, o, t),
				h5::current_dims{n}, h5::chunk{512}|h5::fill_value<double>(3.14));

	std::vector<std::vector<double>> data;
	std::vector<std::string> index;
	// H5CPP is designed to mix CAPI code with H5CPP templates:
	h5::gr_t group_id{H5Gopen(fd, "/", 0)}; // becomes an H5CPP managed resource (RAII)
	hsize_t idx =0;
	H5Literate(group_id, H5_INDEX_NAME, H5_ITER_NATIVE, &idx, &my_callback, &index);
	// we have all the names, check it out:
	for(auto path: index)
		data.push_back( // following reads in an std::vector<double> with size h5::count{..}
			h5::read<std::vector<double>>(fd, path, h5::count{123}));
	// verification, we should see `3.14` since we just passed PI day! 
	for(auto i:data) for( auto j:i)
		std::cout << j <<" ";
	std::cout <<std::endl;

Wow, thanks a lot Steven! This is really helpful!


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