Problems make check - hdf

Hello, I compiled hdf5-1.8.11, however I encountered problems with make check, log as below:
     Could check if there is any problem with the build.
     thank you

make-check.rar (6.06 KB)



*Marcia Maria Schubert Dolbrowolsky* <>

*Analista de Suporte*

Servi�o de Supercomputa��o e Suporte - SSS
Centro de Previs�o de Tempo e Estudos Clim�ticos - CPTEC
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE
Rod. Presidente Dutra, km 40 - Cachoeira Paulista / SP
Fone: +55 (12) 3186-8501
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Could you please resend the log file using tar or zip? I (and probably others too) cannot open rar file on Mac.

Thank you!



Elena Pourmal The HDF Group
1800 So. Oak St., Suite 203, Champaign IL 61820

On Jun 4, 2013, at 7:29 AM, Márcia M. Schubert Dolbrowolsky wrote:

    Hello, I compiled hdf5-1.8.11, however I encountered problems with make check, log as below:
    Could check if there is any problem with the build.
    thank you

Marcia Maria Schubert Dolbrowolsky

Analista de Suporte
Serviço de Supercomputação e Suporte - SSS
Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos - CPTEC
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE
Rod. Presidente Dutra, km 40 - Cachoeira Paulista / SP
Fone: +55 (12) 3186-8501
Fax: +55 (12) 3101-2835
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