
Anybody seen/using this one?


-- dimitris

As the developer of this package, I can assure you it is not ready for use

I respect the work the HDF Group has done providing a solid library.
However, I expect my target audience to mainly be Java developers, not
necessarily with a strong JNI/C background. As such, I'm trying to provide a
pre-packaged, all-in-one, Java binding to go with the application layer
portion of my project.

This is not my primary job, so progress is rather slow. Thus far, I've
concentrated on getting SWIG interfaces and API docs in place (but not fully
functional) for the HDF5 C API. I'm still dealing with things like build
configuration and test set up.

- Solomon


On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 4:24 AM, Dimitris Servis <>wrote:

Anybody seen/using this one?


-- dimitris