I’ve been trying to get parallel writes to a single H5 file work. As a test, all processes generate 50 random numpy arrays with a shared seed and create 50 datasets to store them. I then divide the writing workload between available processes. I find that as I increase the number of processes, both the total time to write the data and the time per process increase substantially as I increase the number of processes. The md5sum of the output test.h5 file is identical as I vary the number of processes (613067f62b4dfbba9365cba3bce41a49 on my machine).
Any information to help me better understand why parallel writing is harming rather than helping performance would be much appreciated!
Here is the minimal example code.
from mpi4py import MPI
import h5py
import numpy as np
import time
rank = comm.Get_rank()
size = comm.Get_size()
with h5py.File("test.h5", "w", driver='mpio', comm=comm) as file:
dataset_count = 50
shape = (1000000,)
datasets = []
for i in range(dataset_count):
file.create_dataset(f"/{i}", shape=shape, dtype=np.int64)
datasets.append(np.random.randint(0, 4200000, shape[0]))
accum = 0
write_count = 0
written_to = []
for i in range(dataset_count):
r = i % size
if rank == r:
start = time.time()
write_to = f"/{i}"
file[write_to][:] = datasets[i]
end = time.time()
accum += end-start
write_count += 1
print(f"Rank {rank} data write to {written_to} runtime: {accum}s with {size} processes, {write_count} writes, average {accum/write_count:.3f}s/write")
Output for 1 process:
mpiexec -n 1 python test.py
Rank 0 data write to ['/0', '/1', '/2', '/3', '/4', '/5', '/6', '/7', '/8', '/9', '/10', '/11', '/12', '/13', '/14', '/15', '/16', '/17', '/18', '/19', '/20', '/21', '/22', '/23', '/24', '/25', '/26', '/27', '/28', '/29', '/30', '/31', '/32', '/33', '/34', '/35', '/36', '/37', '/38', '/39', '/40', '/41', '/42', '/43', '/44', '/45', '/46', '/47', '/48', '/49'] runtime: 0.13713431358337402s with 1 processes, 50 writes, average 0.003s/write
mpiexec -n 5 python test.py
Rank 0 data write to ['/0', '/1', '/2', '/3', '/4', '/5', '/6', '/7', '/8', '/9', '/10', '/11', '/12', '/13', '/14', '/15', '/16', '/17', '/18', '/19', '/20', '/21', '/22', '/23', '/24', '/25', '/26', '/27', '/28', '/29', '/30', '/31', '/32', '/33', '/34', '/35', '/36', '/37', '/38', '/39', '/40', '/41', '/42', '/43', '/44', '/45', '/46', '/47', '/48', '/49'] runtime: 0.13713431358337402s with 1 processes, 50 writes, average 0.003s/write
mpiexec -n 5 python test.py
Rank 2 data write to ['/2', '/7', '/12', '/17', '/22', '/27', '/32', '/37', '/42', '/47'] runtime: 0.16770410537719727s with 5 processes, 10 writes, average 0.017s/write
Rank 3 data write to ['/3', '/8', '/13', '/18', '/23', '/28', '/33', '/38', '/43', '/48'] runtime: 0.18259263038635254s with 5 processes, 10 writes, average 0.018s/write
Rank 4 data write to ['/4', '/9', '/14', '/19', '/24', '/29', '/34', '/39', '/44', '/49'] runtime: 0.1777360439300537s with 5 processes, 10 writes, average 0.018s/write
Rank 0 data write to ['/0', '/5', '/10', '/15', '/20', '/25', '/30', '/35', '/40', '/45'] runtime: 0.1710968017578125s with 5 processes, 10 writes, average 0.017s/write
Rank 1 data write to ['/1', '/6', '/11', '/16', '/21', '/26', '/31', '/36', '/41', '/46'] runtime: 0.15236258506774902s with 5 processes, 10 writes, average 0.015s/write