Parallel H5Read no collective

Hi all,

Im trying to read large amount of data via a H5Read collective operation from one dataset.

Even though I passed the collective flag I see several MPI_File_read_at operation below (could see after an instrumentation with scorep)

So I guess H5Read does not use collective IO.

What I do:

I access one large dataset with all processes.

Each process reads a subset specified via hyperslabs (no overlaps).

The dataset is a compound dataset containing: 1x Int and 5x float values.

In memory I have a vector of struct objects:

struct {

b: int <---- *

c: int

d float[5] <---- *


* only theses values should be assigned in memory.

So I use H5Tcreate to create a compound memtype with the needed offsets.

I use HDF5 1.8.15

I would welcome any hint. :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot!



a: int

Hi Till,

There are a couple of reasons to explain the independent reads:

  1. they could be metadata reads issued by the HDF5 library
  2. The HDF5 library is breaking collective access because it is not supported in your scenario.

To check if 2 is the case and why the library is breaking collective, you could use the following function:



From: Hdf-forum <<>> on behalf of Schumann Till <<>>
Reply-To: hdf-forum <<>>
Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2016 at 2:57 PM
To: hdf-forum <<>>
Cc: Kumbhar Pramod Shivaji <<>>
Subject: [Hdf-forum] Parallel H5Read no collective

Hi all,

Im trying to read large amount of data via a H5Read collective operation from one dataset.

Even though I passed the collective flag I see several MPI_File_read_at operation below (could see after an instrumentation with scorep)

So I guess H5Read does not use collective IO.

What I do:

I access one large dataset with all processes.

Each process reads a subset specified via hyperslabs (no overlaps).

The dataset is a compound dataset containing: 1x Int and 5x float values.

In memory I have a vector of struct objects:

struct {

a: int

b: int <---- *

c: int

d float[5] <---- *


* only theses values should be assigned in memory.

So I use H5Tcreate to create a compound memtype with the needed offsets.

I use HDF5 1.8.15

I would welcome any hint. :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot!
