parallel compressed I/O with MPI and pbzip2

Dear All,
I’m trying to achieve parallel compressed input output for my Fortran simulation result.
As the last post about this topic is more than one year old, I would like to ask if anybody here achieved this goal.
I read here that utilizing third part compressione library, such as pigs, pzlib2 or pxz, parallel compression writing seems to be possible.
My pattern is not very complex:
each core has part of a variable, and this part are sequential (can be read with hyperslab) i.e

  * core 1 from 1 to 100
  * core 2 form 101 to 200
  * and so on

they also need to be written in this order inside the dataset.
I also read about the possibility to create a plugin utilizing H5Z_register but it’s not clear if have to do this before install HDF5 in the system, or just when i compile my application.
Also, my C is a bit rusty, so i should work on hit just to do this thing.

Can anybody help on this?

Many Regards
Andrea Rovinelli
Purdue University