I'm looking at a rank 3 data set, and I notice that the position numbers across the top start at 1 rather than 0, so they don't match the coordinates printed out by h5dump. The other dimensions seem to be 0-based (left side and menu bar)...
Hopefully what I'm describing makes sense
John Knutson wrote:
looking at a rank 3 data set, and I notice that the position numbers
across the top start at 1 rather than 0, so they don’t match the
coordinates printed out by h5dump. The other dimensions seem to be
0-based (left side and menu bar)…
Hopefully what I’m describing makes sense
You are describing the data sheet or page number
(according the HDFView help). You don’t say what version of HDFView
you are using but this is a known bug and is fixed in Version v2.6b1
where array indexing starts at 0 (much to the chagrin of Fortran
programmers). By the way, the 0-base convention has changed over the
years in HDFView; it used to be 1-based (much to the chagrin of C
-- Daniel Kahn
Science Systems and Applications Inc.
Using 2.6.1, for SunOS, fwiw... I had downloaded the latest available binary.
Daniel Kahn wrote:
John Knutson wrote:
I'm looking at a rank 3 data set, and I notice that the position numbers across the top start at 1 rather than 0, so they don't match the coordinates printed out by h5dump. The other dimensions seem to be 0-based (left side and menu bar)...
Hopefully what I'm describing makes sense
You are describing the /data sheet/ or /page/ number (according the HDFView help). You don't say what version of HDFView you are using but this is a known bug and is fixed in Version v2.6b1 where array indexing starts at 0 (much to the chagrin of Fortran programmers). By the way, the 0-base convention has changed over the years in HDFView; it used to be 1-based (much to the chagrin of C programmers).
Daniel Kahn
Science Systems and Applications Inc.
Hdf-forum is for HDF software users discussion.
I tried both v2.6.1 and v2.7 snapshot. Both are 0-based.
On 9/1/2010 5:28 PM, John Knutson wrote:
Using 2.6.1, for SunOS, fwiw... I had downloaded the latest available binary.
Daniel Kahn wrote:
John Knutson wrote:
I'm looking at a rank 3 data set, and I notice that the position numbers across the top start at 1 rather than 0, so they don't match the coordinates printed out by h5dump. The other dimensions seem to be 0-based (left side and menu bar)...
Hopefully what I'm describing makes sense
You are describing the /data sheet/ or /page/ number (according the HDFView help). You don't say what version of HDFView you are using but this is a known bug and is fixed in Version v2.6b1 where array indexing starts at 0 (much to the chagrin of Fortran programmers). By the way, the 0-base convention has changed over the years in HDFView; it used to be 1-based (much to the chagrin of C programmers).
Daniel Kahn
Science Systems and Applications Inc.
Hdf-forum is for HDF software users discussion.
Hdf-forum is for HDF software users discussion.