Make hdf5 on centos 8

hi hdf5 group
I want to install hdf5 program in my system. my system is centos 8. I’ve done ./configure and make check. I made the following error. are there normal or no?
Verifying h5diff output h5repack_f32le_rp.h5 h5repack_f32le.h5 PASSED
Verifying h5diff output h5repack_f32le_rp.h5 h5repack_f32le_ex.h5 PASSED line 719: DIFFFAIL: command not found line 720: DIFFFAIL: command not found
Verifying h5diff output h5repack_f32le.h5 h5repack_f32le_rp.h5 PASSED
. . . PASSED
Testing external consolidation on int32le_1d with h5repack -l CONTI . . .
Verifying h5diff output h5repack_int32le_1d.h5 h5repack_int32le_1d_ex. PASSED
Verifying h5diff output h5repack_int32le_1d_rp.h5 h5repack_int32le_1d. PASSED
Verifying h5diff output h5repack_int32le_1d_rp.h5 h5repack_int32le_1d_ PASSED line 719: DIFFFAIL: command not found line 720: DIFFFAIL: command not found
Verifying h5diff output h5repack_int32le_1d.h5 h5repack_int32le_1d_rp. PASSED
. . . PASSED
Testing external consolidation on int32le_2d with h5repack -l CONTI . . .
Verifying h5diff output h5repack_int32le_2d.h5 h5repack_int32le_2d_ex. PASSED
Verifying h5diff output h5repack_int32le_2d_rp.h5 h5repack_int32le_2d. PASSED
Verifying h5diff output h5repack_int32le_2d_rp.h5 h5repack_int32le_2d_ PASSED line 719: DIFFFAIL: command not found line 720: DIFFFAIL: command not found
Verifying h5diff output h5repack_int32le_2d.h5 h5repack_int32le_2d_rp. PASSED
. . . PASSED
Testing external consolidation on int32le_3d with h5repack -l CONTI . . .
Verifying h5diff output h5repack_int32le_3d.h5 h5repack_int32le_3d_ex. PASSED
Verifying h5diff output h5repack_int32le_3d_rp.h5 h5repack_int32le_3d. PASSED
Verifying h5diff output h5repack_int32le_3d_rp.h5 h5repack_int32le_3d_ PASSED line 719: DIFFFAIL: command not found line 720: DIFFFAIL: command not found
Verifying h5diff output h5repack_int32le_3d.h5 h5repack_int32le_3d_rp. PASSED
. . . PASSED