LZF Support in HDF 1.12.x

Is the LZF compression supported by 1.12.x? I had a look at the https://support.hdfgroup.org/services/filters.html#lzf page but it isn’t particularly clear? We are trying to read a dataset that was compressed with LZF but get HDF5 errors when we try to read data from the file.

Thank You

We do build a plugin for LZF. See our hdf5_plugins repo.
They are in our standard hdf5 binaries plus the plugins binary should be available for download.

Hi, @mike.jackson!

@byrn is referring to this:

See also line 147

# lzf

set (LZF_GIT_URL "https://someurl/lzf.git" CACHE STRING "Use LZF from HDF Group repository" FORCE)

set (LZF_TGZ_NAME "lzf.tar.gz" CACHE STRING "Use LZF from compressed file" FORCE)

set (LZF_PACKAGE_NAME "lzf" CACHE STRING "Name of LZF package" FORCE)

in https://github.com/HDFGroup/hdf5/blob/develop/config/cmake/cacheinit.cmake