Help, Running up against object header message limit of H50_MESG_MAX_SIZE (65536)

          HDF 5 release 1.8.2

              [Anne Rupel, 951-276-1059,]

              [H5O_alloc.c ]

              [There is a limit in the size of an object header. Is there something I can do to get around this. I have saved my ENUMs as named lists, but I have a number of fields (853) and nested composite types.]


       COMPILER: Visual Studio 2005

              I have a composite data type which has a size of 77432 (This is size in terms of the object header information. The data itself is only 6929 bytes in length per record.), I don't know what to do to make it smaller. I thought version 1.8.2 worked with links in the header to ameliorate this problem, but now I can't find where I read that or how to invoke that behavior. I changed the ENUM fields to save their ENUM values as named Data Types, this brought the size down to 71960. Still too big.

              I have a complex composite data type with 853 fields. These fields are typically H5T_NATIVE_* types, copies of H5_T_S1, or H5Tenums. They are built up into a composite type with 83 composite datatypes, including the topmost one which is then used to create a dataset. I cannot send you the specific data.

       SAMPLE FIX:
              I can split the datatype into two different datatypes in two different datasets and the data works fine. But this does not satisfy my program requirements. Any help you could provide or if you could just point me to the document that I read before that said you could use links in the object headers would help.

Anne Rupel


To: HDF Forum
       Subject: [ HDF5 Datatype]: [Running up against object header message limit of H50_MESG_MAX_SIZE (65536)]

Hi Anne,
  I've CC'd our help desk on this reply - they'll be able to take your bug report and enter it in our bug tracking database for correction.

  Sorry for this current limit, we'll have to think about a good way to correct it.



On Jun 5, 2009, at 1:22 PM, Rupel, Anne T CTR NSWC Corona, PA10 CONT wrote:

      To: HDF Forum
      Subject: [ HDF5 Datatype]: [Running up against object header message limit of H50_MESG_MAX_SIZE (65536)]

         HDF 5 release 1.8.2

             [Anne Rupel, 951-276-1059,]

             [H5O_alloc.c ]

             [There is a limit in the size of an object header. Is there something I can do to get around this. I have saved my ENUMs as named lists, but I have a number of fields (853) and nested composite types.]


      COMPILER: Visual Studio 2005

             I have a composite data type which has a size of 77432 (This is size in terms of the object header information. The data itself is only 6929 bytes in length per record.), I don't know what to do to make it smaller. I thought version 1.8.2 worked with links in the header to ameliorate this problem, but now I can't find where I read that or how to invoke that behavior. I changed the ENUM fields to save their ENUM values as named Data Types, this brought the size down to 71960. Still too big.

             I have a complex composite data type with 853 fields. These fields are typically H5T_NATIVE_* types, copies of H5_T_S1, or H5Tenums. They are built up into a composite type with 83 composite datatypes, including the topmost one which is then used to create a dataset. I cannot send you the specific data.

             I can split the datatype into two different datatypes in two different datasets and the data works fine. But this does not satisfy my program requirements. Any help you could provide or if you could just point me to the document that I read before that said you could use links in the object headers would help.

Anne Rupel