A few thoughts come to mind. But, I don't know if they'll be useful.
First, I assume you are doing this for a read-mostly (or maybe read-only) scenario. That is, the datasets are already in the file and now you want to find mins/maxs.
If I/O is your bottleneck (e.g. cause for the slowness), then I can't imagine anything going faster than a single H5Dread (C interface) and scan of all the data values in one fell swoop. And, I cannot imagine H5 Java API would do any better.
Is the dataset compressed and/or chunked in the file? If not, maybe you can adjust the data-producer to ensure that it is. Compressed data would be read faster.
If I/O is NOT the bottleneck, then its just the compute time spent finding the min/max. This would be a very simple operation to multi-thread (or GPU-ize) though. Is that an option?
If you have control over how the data is initially written, why not compute the min/max whe the dataset is written using a filter much like the checksum filter? It can scan all values on write, compute min/max and then store them as metadata with the dataset. Then, finding them later during read is of course trivial. And, it would avoid you doing the min/max scan repeateadly for different readers, etc.
Don't know if any of that might be useful but maybe it triggers some ideas for better strategies.
From: <EXI-Manoharan>, Dhilipan <dhilipan.manoharan@boeing.com<mailto:dhilipan.manoharan@boeing.com>>
Reply-To: HDF Users Discussion List <hdf-forum@lists.hdfgroup.org<mailto:hdf-forum@lists.hdfgroup.org>>
Date: Friday, October 3, 2014 5:27 PM
To: "hdf-forum@lists.hdfgroup.org<mailto:hdf-forum@lists.hdfgroup.org>" <hdf-forum@lists.hdfgroup.org<mailto:hdf-forum@lists.hdfgroup.org>>
Subject: [Hdf-forum] Help Needed For Finding Minimum/Maximum
I need help in finding minimum/maximum of values that are stored in a dataset.
I currently do it by reading the entire dataset and finding the minimum/maximum which is really slow when the datavalues are more(say more than 2000000).
Is there any way to find them using H5 java API?
Appreciating your help in this.
Dhilipan M
Boeing FTCS