Hi everyone
I'm trying to build a meteorological model, RAMS. Had success with the meteo model but now I'm facing a problem with the output module, REVU. When building I found this error message I think it is related to the hdf5 version installed in my system (1.8.12) and the version the software was designed, it is a 6 years old version. I'm working with Ubuntu 12.04.
You can find the complete make output as a shared Evernote note in the following URL
Thanks for your help
Dr. Francisco Pastor
Meteorology department, Instituto Universitario CEAM-UMH
Mendeley profile: http://www.mendeley.com/profiles/francisco-pastor1/
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Researcher ID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/B-8331-2008
Cosis profile: http://www.cosis.net/profile/francisco.pastor
mail: paco@ceam.es
skype: paco.pastor.guzman
Parque Tecnologico, C/ Charles R. Darwin, 14
46980 PATERNA (Valencia), Spain
Tlf. 96 131 82 27 - Fax. 96 131 81 90
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