HDFView 3.1.3 - attribute with compound type

test-data.h5 (18.1 KB)

In the attached file I’ve added a single row of data of a compound type as an attribute and as a data-set.
HDFView can display the data-set but when I double click the attribute I get “Error occured when instantiating TableView class.”

Could be an HDFView bug. The h5dump output is shown below. What happened to that dataset /MeasurementConfigurations? How did you create this file?

HDF5 "Downloads/test-data.h5" {
GROUP "/" {
   GROUP "Measurement:12019" {
      ATTRIBUTE "MeasurementConfiguration" {
            H5T_STD_I64LE "Id";
            H5T_IEEE_F64LE "Timestamp";
            H5T_STRING {
               STRSIZE 50;
               STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM;
               CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII;
               CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
            } "Name";
            H5T_STRING {
               STRSIZE 255;
               STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM;
               CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII;
               CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
            } "Description";
            H5T_STRING {
               STRSIZE 255;
               STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM;
               CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII;
               CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
            } "ModuleName";
            H5T_STRING {
               STRSIZE 255;
               STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM;
               CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII;
               CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
            } "ScannerName";
            H5T_STRING {
               STRSIZE 8000;
               STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM;
               CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII;
               CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
            } "ScannerConfiguration";
            H5T_STRING {
               STRSIZE 32;
               STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM;
               CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII;
               CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
            } "SessionKey";
         DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 1 ) / ( H5S_UNLIMITED ) }
         DATA {
         (0): {
               "Measurement name",
               "Measurement description",
               "__class__": "tvlsystem.acquisition_params.WiperBladeAcquisitionParams",
               "ave_tol_neg": 0.0,
               "ave_tol_pos": 0.0,
               "coav_interval": 2.0,
               "coaverages": 1,
               "max_tol_neg": 0.0,
               "max_tol_pos": 0.0,
               "min_tol_neg": 0.0,
               "min_tol_pos": 0.0,
               "optical_delay_extent": 35.0,
               "optical_delay_offset": 0.0,
               "oversample": 1,
               "prepulse_extent": 10.0,
               "reference_coaves": 100,
               "rsdl_amplitude": 45.0,
               "split_directions": false,
               "track_peak": false,
               "waveform_rate": 15.0
      DATASET "MeasurementConfigurations" {
            H5T_STD_I64LE "Id";
            H5T_IEEE_F64LE "Timestamp";
            H5T_STRING {
               STRSIZE 50;
               STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM;
               CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII;
               CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
            } "Name";
            H5T_STRING {
               STRSIZE 255;
               STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM;
               CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII;
               CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
            } "Description";
            H5T_STRING {
               STRSIZE 255;
               STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM;
               CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII;
               CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
            } "ModuleName";
            H5T_STRING {
               STRSIZE 255;
               STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM;
               CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII;
               CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
            } "ScannerName";
            H5T_STRING {
               STRSIZE 8000;
               STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM;
               CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII;
               CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
            } "ScannerConfiguration";
            H5T_STRING {
               STRSIZE 32;
               STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM;
               CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII;
               CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
            } "SessionKey";
         DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 1 ) / ( H5S_UNLIMITED ) }
         DATA {h5dump error: unable to print data


What version is hdfview? We have fixed a number of issues since the release of hdfview 3.1.1
Current development (soon to be released) does display correctly.


What do you mean ‘what happened to …’? If you mean why is it only one row, then it’s just a test.

My code here: https://github.com/PhilPJL/HDF5Test

It’s version 3.1.3 - annoyingly this post has to be > 20 characters :slight_smile:

The attribute value seems sensible, but the dataset value looks uninitialized(?).

Looks ok in the viewer

We do have binaries of the latest hdfview development for some platforms we could make available.
On my system, fedora 35, i have development builds of both hdf5 and hdfview that display this file correctly.
HDF5 1.12.2 will be released within a couple of weeks and HDFView 3.2.0 (based on hdf5 1.12.2) should be released shortly after that.

ok great - no hurry. My client wants attributes as simple types for now anyway.