I know this question (or related to) has been asked a few times but the answers don't seem to be of any help to me. Below is my code. I am simply trying to write out a compound data type with one element being a string. All the numbers, i.e. int1, double1, and double2 in the structure are correct when I view the resulting file in HDFView but the string is garbage. Any suggestions?
using System;
using HDF5DotNet;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.IO;
namespace TestCompound
class Program
const int N_RECORDS = 5; // number of records in the table
const int N_FIELDS = 4; // number of fields
const int RANK = 1;
const string TABLE_NAME = "Test";
const string FILE_NAME = "test_file2.h5";
public struct testStruct2
public int int1;
public byte[] char1; // assuming 9 characters + null termination
public double double1;
public double double2;
static void Main(string[] args)
// initialize the data
testStruct2[] tsa = new testStruct2[N_RECORDS];
for (int i = 0; i< N_RECORDS; i++)
tsa[i].int1 = i;
byte[] barr1 = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("testline" + i.ToString());
byte[] barr2 = new byte[10];
System.Buffer.BlockCopy(barr1, 0, barr2, 0, 9);
barr2[9] = 0; // null termination
tsa[i].char1 = barr2;
tsa[i].double1 = i * (i + 0.25);
tsa[i].double2 = 1 / (i + 1.25);
// create the file
H5FileId fileId = H5F.create(FILE_NAME, H5F.CreateMode.ACC_TRUNC);
// create the data space
long[] dims = new long[1] { N_RECORDS };
H5DataSpaceId spaceId = H5S.create_simple(RANK, dims);
// create the memory data type
int structSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(testStruct2));
H5DataTypeId typeId = H5T.create(H5T.CreateClass.COMPOUND, structSize);
// insert members
string[] field_names = { "a", "b", "c", "d" };
H5T.insert(typeId, field_names[0], Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(testStruct2), "int1").ToInt32(), H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_INT);
H5DataTypeId stDtId = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.C_S1);
H5T.setSize(stDtId, 10);
H5T.insert(typeId, field_names[1], Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(testStruct2), "char1").ToInt32(), stDtId);
H5T.insert(typeId, field_names[2], Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(testStruct2), "double1").ToInt32(), H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_DOUBLE);
H5T.insert(typeId, field_names[3], Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(testStruct2), "double2").ToInt32(), H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_DOUBLE);
// create the dataset
H5DataSetId dsetId = H5D.create(fileId, TABLE_NAME, typeId, spaceId);
// Write the dataset.
H5D.write<testStruct2>(dsetId, typeId, spaceId, spaceId, new H5PropertyListId(H5P.Template.DEFAULT), new H5Array<testStruct2>(tsa));
// Close resources.
catch (HDFException anyHDF5E)
catch (System.Exception sysE)