HDF5 Viewer can't show the data.

I’m trying to open a h5 file with hdf5 viewer but the data isnt showing. In the image below, you can see my problem:

is my h5 file encrypted or corrupted?

The problem is not obvious to me, is there a error dialog or crash that happens if you try to open a dataset or attribute?



Can you view the file and dataset using the h5dump utility?
Does the dataset open if you double click with the left mouse button in HDFView?

Is the issue that the information at the bottom of the HDFView screen is not changing when you click once on a dataset? (I see “zbounds”, not “abounds” at the bottom, though “abounds” is highlighted.)

With HDFView 3.0, the interface changed. If you click once with the left mouse button on a dataset, the information at the bottom of the screen does not change. If you double click with the left mouse button, the item will open in a window and the information at the bottom of the screen will change.

I do see that with HDFView 2.x, if you click once with the left mouse button on a dataset the information at the bottom of the screen gets updated. If you click twice, the dataset opens (and the information at the bottom stays the same).


It crashes when i try to click in any row or column.

I cant see any data or something else. I dont know if its ok, but i think its not


“Can you view the file and dataset using the h5dump utility?”

   I'm using de HDF View 3.0 to see this file

“Does the dataset open if you double click with the left mouse button in HDFView?”

   No, the image below  shows the error message when i tried to click 

Can you send your file to the HDF Helpdesk (help@hdfgroup.org)?
We would like to understand the issue further.


Sure, I’ll send right now.
