HDF5 Users BOF @ SC08

The HDF Group will host a Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) session for HDF5 Users at SC08. The BOF will be held from 5:30-7:00 pm on Wednesday, November 19th in Ballroom E.

Quincey Koziel, Chief Architect for The HDF Group, will discuss features currently under development, answer questions, and gather input for future directions.

People who will be attending the BOF are invited to send questions in advance to help@hdfgroup.org. Please put “HDF5 BOF question” in the subject line.

If time allows, attendees will have the opportunity to introduce themselves and to briefly describe their use of HDF5.

An informal HDF5 User’s Dinner (pay your own way) may follow the BOF if there is sufficient interest.

Hope to see you there!


Ruth Aydt
The HDF Group
1901 South First Street, Suite C-2
Champaign, IL 61820

aydt@hdfgroup.org (217)265-7837

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