HDF5 Parser - info attributes

I parsed a file hdf5 and the structure is the following:



group: dataset1 {

	group: data1 {
			:byte data(1400, 1200);
			:_Unsigned = "true";
			:_ChunkSizes = 100, 100; // int

		group: quality1 {
				:byte data(1400, 1200);
				:_Unsigned = "true";
				:_ChunkSizes = 100, 100; // int

			group: what {
				// group attributes:
				:quantity = "QIND";
				**:gain = 0.393701; // double**
				**:offset = 0.0; // double**
				:undetect = 1.0; // double
				:nodata = 0.0; // double

	group: what {
		// group attributes:
		:product = "COMP";
		:quantity = "DBZH";
		**:gain = 0.5; // double**
		**:offset = -31.0; // double**
		:undetect = 1.0; // double
		:nodata = 0.0; // double

group: what {
	// group attributes:
	:object = "COMP";
	:version = "H5rad 2.0";
	:date = "20180329";
	:time = "0820";

group: where {
	// group attributes:
	:projdef = "+proj=Mercator +lat_ts=42.0000 +lon_0=12.5000 +k=1.0 +R=6378137.0";
	:LL_lon = 5.95503; // double
	:LL_lat = 35.0722; // double
	:UL_lon = 4.53744; // double
	:UL_lat = 47.5784; // double
	:UR_lon = 20.4626; // double
	:UR_lat = 47.5784; // double
	:LR_lon = 19.045; // double
	:LR_lat = 35.0722; // double
	:xscale = 1000.0; // double
	:yscale = 1000.0; // double
	:xsize = 1200; // int
	:ysize = 1400; // int

// global attributes:
:Conventions = "ODIM_H5/V2_0";



what is the meaning of “gain” and “offset” attributes ?