HDF5 Metadata Consistency Check across Processes

Hi all,

I have a question about metadata consistency check with parallel HDF5 library. Is there a configuration at installation that forces metadata input argument consistency check at metadata creation step (e.g. H5Dcreate)?

Specifically, we can consider the following two test cases:

  1. Multiple processes call H5Dcreate function with same dataset name but different properties
  2. Multiple processes call H5Dcreate function with different dataset name

Since metadata creation functions like H5Dcreate are collective and same arguments are required across processes, I am expecting the above two cases should fail with proper error message. But based on my test result, the program completes normally and an arbitrary argument from one of the process is written to output file. Is there a configuration at installation that turns automatic consistence checking for metadata creation? Thank you!


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I think this is an important question. Users may unintentionally
use inconsistent values when creating new data objects. It will
be great if HDF5 can detect such error.

Other than configure options, I wonder if there is an HDF5
property that can enable such metadata consistency check.

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