Hi all,
I'm trying to implement a layer to export the data of our application to
XDMF format on top of HDF5. The data
types that we want to handle are integers and reals of both single and
double precision.
I would like to know the actual state of the HDF5 Fortran interface for
handling double precision integers.
In particular, if we observe to the interface of the H5DWrite_f subroutine
below (and its comments) we can see that the
data type of the buffer (*buf*) could be INTEGER, and the data type of the
dimensions is HSIZE_T.
*SUBROUTINE h5dwrite_vl_f(dset_id, mem_type_id, buf, dims, len, hdferr, &
mem_space_id, file_space_id, xfer_prp)
* INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: mem_type_id ! Memory datatype
identifier TYPE, INTENT(IN), & DIMENSION(dims(1),dims(2)) :: buf
! Data buffer; may be a scalar
! or an array
! TYPE must be one of the following
! Array to hold corresponding
! dimension sizes of data
! buffer buf
! dim(k) has value of the k-th
! dimension of buffer buf
! Values are ignored if buf is
! a scalar ...*
I've read that the *HSIZE_T* data type depends on the architecture and
it's defined at HDF5 compilation time and I can check
that in my own compilation it's as double precision integer (64 bits).
Is there any case where this value is a single precision
integer (32)? In any case, how can I handle the writing of datasets
bigger than max(HSIZE_T)?
A different questions are about the data type of the raw data. In my
HDF5 compilation it seems that the H5DWrite_f procedure
doesn't compile if the *buf* actual argument is a double precision
integer. There is a native Fortran HDF5 *mem_type_id* for
double precision integers?
In some forum I've also read that the *H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER* could be a
doble precision integer. If this is true, it is posible to
handle single precision and double precision integers in the same
Thanks in advance,