HDF5 File losses compression when writing hyperslab slice - FORTRAN90


I’m have a hdf5, filled with some fill values, that is compressed.

Now I need to had slices of information to this hdf5 files.

For this I used hyperslab and it works.

My problem is that when I write the first slice it “seems to keep the
original compression” but when I write the second slice it loses

A file that should have around 127 Mb has 193 Mb, below is the code that I’m


!Opens the Group

call h5gopen_f (Me%FileID, GroupName, gr_id, STAT_CALL)

if (STAT_CALL /= SUCCESS_) stop 'HDF5WriteWindowR8_2D - ModuleHDF5 - ERR10'

!Opens the DataSet

if (present(OutputNumber)) then

    call ConstructDSName (Name, OutputNumber, AuxChar)


    AuxChar = Name


!Opens the Dataset

call h5dopen_f (gr_id, trim(adjustl(AuxChar)), dset_id, STAT_CALL)

if (STAT_CALL /= SUCCESS_) stop 'HDF5WriteWindowR8_2D - ModuleHDF5 - ERR20'

!Gets the data type id

call h5dget_type_f (dset_id, datatype_id, STAT_CALL)

if (STAT_CALL /= SUCCESS_) stop 'HDF5WriteWindowR8_2D - ModuleHDF5 - ERR30'

call h5tget_class_f(datatype_id, class_id, STAT_CALL)

if (STAT_CALL /= SUCCESS_) stop 'HDF5WriteWindowR8_2D - ModuleHDF5 - ERR40'

!Gets a handle of the dataspace

call h5dget_space_f (dset_id, space_id, STAT_CALL)

if (STAT_CALL /= SUCCESS_) stop 'HDF5WriteWindowR8_2D - ModuleHDF5 - ERR50'

!Gets the rank

call h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f (space_id, rank, STAT_CALL)

if (STAT_CALL /= SUCCESS_) stop 'HDF5WriteWindowR8_2D - ModuleHDF5 - ERR60'

!Gets the size

call h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f (space_id, dims, maxdims, STAT_CALL)

if (STAT_CALL < SUCCESS_) stop 'HDF5WriteWindowR8_2D - ModuleHDF5 - ERR70'

lower_bound(:slight_smile: = FillValueInt

upper_bound(:slight_smile: = FillValueInt

lower_bound(1) = Me%Limits%ILB

upper_bound(1) = Me%Limits%IUB

if (rank >=2) then

    lower_bound(2) = Me%Limits%JLB

    upper_bound(2) = Me%Limits%JUB


if (rank >=3) then

    lower_bound(3) = Me%Limits%KLB

    upper_bound(3) = Me%Limits%KUB


allocate (offset_in (rank))

allocate (count_in (rank))

if (present(OffSet1)) then

    offset_in(1) = OffSet1


    offset_in(1) = lower_bound(1) - 1


if (Rank >=2) then

    if (present(OffSet2)) then

        offset_in(2) = OffSet2


        offset_in(2) = lower_bound(2) - 1



if (Rank >=3) then

    stop 'HDF5WriteWindowR8_2D - ModuleHDF5 - ERR80'


count_in (1:rank) = upper_bound(1:rank) - lower_bound(1:rank) + 1

!Defines the hyperslab in the dataset

call h5sselect_hyperslab_f (space_id, H5S_SELECT_SET_F, offset_in,
count_in, STAT_CALL)

if (STAT_CALL /= SUCCESS_) stop 'HDF5WriteWindowR8_2D - ModuleHDF5 - ERR90'

!Defines the memory dataspace

dims_mem(1) = upper_bound(1)-lower_bound(1) + 1

dims_mem(2) = upper_bound(2)-lower_bound(2) + 1

call h5screate_simple_f (rank, dims_mem, memspace_id, STAT_CALL)

if (STAT_CALL /= SUCCESS_) stop 'HDF5WriteWindowR8_2D - ModuleHDF5 - ERR100'

call h5dwrite_f (dset_id, NumType, Array2D, dims_mem, STAT_CALL,
memspace_id, space_id)

if (STAT_CALL /= SUCCESS_) stop 'HDF5WriteWindowR8_2D - ModuleHDF5 - ERR110'

!Deallocates temporary matrixes

deallocate (offset_in )

deallocate (count_in )

!Closes data space

call h5sclose_f (space_id, STAT_CALL)

if (STAT_CALL /= SUCCESS_) stop 'HDF5WriteWindowR8_2D - ModuleHDF5 - ERR120'

!End access to the dataset

call h5dclose_f (dset_id, STAT_CALL)

if (STAT_CALL /= SUCCESS_) stop 'HDF5WriteWindowR8_2D - ModuleHDF5 - ERR130'

!Closes group

call h5gclose_f (gr_id, STAT_CALL)

if (STAT_CALL /= SUCCESS_) stop 'HDF5WriteWindowR8_2D - ModuleHDF5 - ERR140'

How can I keep the compression in the final hdf5 file?


João Ribeiro