I am building HDF5 1.8.13 with ‘—enable-parallel` option, and the MPI library is MPICH 3.1.2 in Mac 10.9.5. I encountered the following error when doing test:
Testing reading data created on Linux
Testing regular dataset of LE DOUBLE PASSED
Testing regular dataset of BE DOUBLE PASSED
Testing dataset of LE FLOAT with scale-offset filter PASSED
Testing dataset of BE FLOAT with scale-offset filter Command terminated abnormally.
It is strange that I successfully installed such HDF5 in another Mac 10.9.5. The whole log is in the attachment. Any idea? Thanks in advance!
I am building HDF5 1.8.13 with ‘—enable-parallel` option, and the MPI library is MPICH 3.1.2 in Mac 10.9.5. I encountered the following error when doing test:
cross_read Test Log
Testing reading data created on Linux
Testing regular dataset of LE DOUBLE PASSED
Testing regular dataset of BE DOUBLE PASSED
Testing dataset of LE FLOAT with scale-offset filter PASSED
Testing dataset of BE FLOAT with scale-offset filter Command terminated abnormally.
It is strange that I successfully installed such HDF5 in another Mac 10.9.5. The whole log is in the attachment. Any idea? Thanks in advance!