I am trying to convert one of the “C” examples into “C#” and not having
much luck.
“C” code:
#define FILE "h5ex_t_cmpdatt.h5"
#define DATASET "DS1"
#define ATTRIBUTE "A1"
#define DIM0 4
typedef struct {
int serial_no;
char *location;
double temperature;
double pressure;
} sensor_t; /* Compound type */
main (void)
hid_t file, filetype, memtype, strtype, space, dset, attr;
/* Handles */
herr_t status;
hsize_t dims[1] = {DIM0};
sensor_t wdata[DIM0], /* Write buffer */
*rdata; /* Read buffer */
int ndims,
/* * Initialize data. */
wdata[0].serial_no = 1153;
wdata[0].location = "Exterior (static)";
wdata[0].temperature = 53.23;
wdata[0].pressure = 24.57;
wdata[1].serial_no = 1184;
wdata[1].location = "Intake";
wdata[1].temperature = 55.12;
wdata[1].pressure = 22.95;
wdata[2].serial_no = 1027;
wdata[2].location = "Intake manifold";
wdata[2].temperature = 103.55;
wdata[2].pressure = 31.23;
wdata[3].serial_no = 1313;
wdata[3].location = "Exhaust manifold";
wdata[3].temperature = 1252.89;
wdata[3].pressure = 84.11;
/* * Create a new file using the default properties. */
/* * Create variable-length string datatype. */
strtype = H5Tcopy (H5T_C_S1);
status = H5Tset_size (strtype, H5T_VARIABLE);
/* * Create the compound datatype for memory. */
memtype = H5Tcreate (H5T_COMPOUND, sizeof (sensor_t));
status = H5Tinsert (memtype, "Serial number", HOFFSET (sensor_t,
serial_no), H5T_NATIVE_INT);
“C#” Code:
string FILE = @"c:\h5ex_t_cmpdatt.h5";
string DATASET = "DS1";
string ATTRIBUTE = "A1";
int DIM0 = 4;
int filetype, space, dset, attr, status; /* Handles */
sensor_t[] wdata = new sensor_t[DIM0];
int ndims, i;
/* Initialize data. */
wdata[0].serial_no = 1153;
wdata[0].location = "Exterior (static)";
wdata[0].temperature = 53.23;
wdata[0].pressure = 24.57;
wdata[1].serial_no = 1184;
wdata[1].location = "Intake";
wdata[1].temperature = 55.12;
wdata[1].pressure = 22.95;
wdata[2].serial_no = 1027;
wdata[2].location = "Intake manifold";
wdata[2].temperature = 103.55;
wdata[2].pressure = 31.23;
wdata[3].serial_no = 1313;
wdata[3].location = "Exhaust manifold";
wdata[3].temperature = 1252.89;
wdata[3].pressure = 84.11;
/* Create a new file using the default properties. */
H5FileId FileID = H5F.create(FILE, H5F.CreateMode.ACC_TRUNC);
/* Create variable-length string datatype. */
H5DataTypeId strtype = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.C_S1);
status = H5T.setSize(strtype, sizeof(sensor_t));
/* Create the compound datatype for memory. */
H5DataTypeId memtype = H5T.create(H5T.CreateClass.COMPOUND,
H5T.insert(memtype, "Serial Number", offset, (sensor_t,
serial_no), H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_INT);
I am having all kinds of problems with the HDF calls. Anyone want to jump
in and help?
The example I am trying to convert is ‘h5ex_t_cmpdatt-1.c’.