Hdf5 1.10.5 failing vds test with mixed selection types fails

I am trying to build hdf5 1.10.4 using the Intel 14.0.2 compilers and it fails on make check.

It fails at

Testing  vds 
 vds  Test Log
Testing virtual dataset API functions                                  PASSED
Testing virtual dataset API functions with copied plists               PASSED
Testing virtual dataset API functions with encoded and decoded plists  PASSED
Testing virtual dataset create                                         PASSED
Testing virtual dataset create with reopened dataset                   PASSED
Testing virtual dataset create with reopened file                      PASSED
Config: same source file
Testing basic virtual dataset I/O                                      PASSED
Testing basic virtual dataset I/O via H5Pset_vds_prefix()              PASSED
Testing virtual dataset I/O with unlimited selections                  PASSED
Testing virtual dataset I/O with printf source                         PASSED
Testing virtual dataset I/O with mixed selection types                *FAILED*
   at vds.c:10606 in test_all()...

which is running test/.libs/lt-vds.

The configure command used was

$ ./configure --prefix=/sw/arcts/centos7/stacks/intel/14.0.2/hdf5/1.10.5 \
  --enable-fortran --enable-cxx \
  --with-szlib=/sw/arcts/centos7/stacks/intel/14.0.2/szip/2.1.1 \
  CC=icc FC=ifort CXX=icpc

This is on machines with Intel® Xeon® Gold 6140 CPU @ 2.30GHz (Skylake) processors, running CentOS 7.6, and kernel 3.10.0-957.10.1.el7.x86_64.

I have tried with and without the

CFLAGS='-O3 -xHost -ip'
CXXFLAGS='-O3 -xHost -ip'
FCFLAGS='-O3 -xHost -ip'

Any insights would be appreciated,

– bennet