hdf nomenclature

The three data objects are groups, datasets, & attributes. In regards to nomenclature are there any recommendations?

groups /xyz/
datasets {xyz}
attributes [xyz]

Matthew Dougherty
National Center for Macromolecular Imaging
Baylor College of Medicine



A Tuesday 24 November 2009 22:56:29 Matthew Dougherty escrigué:

The three data objects are groups, datasets, & attributes.

You should not forget the links and named datatypes.

In regards
to nomenclature are there any recommendations?

groups /xyz/
datasets {xyz}
attributes [xyz]

That would be nice. I'd rather assign [] for datasets and {} for attributes
(maybe because I'm a too biased Python user). For soft links I'd use '->' and
for datatypes '()' (resembling a C type cast). For example:

groups /xyz/
datasets [xyz]
attributes {xyz}
links xyz -> other/path (file.h5:/other/path, for external links)
named datatypes (mydatetype)


Francesc Alted