
How do this function work?H5Soffset_simple ?

I would like to offset my hyperslab on one axis,but this code :

                memH5S = H5Scopy(tubeH5S);
                 hsize_t blocks2[6];
                 int kBlock=0;
                 int memRank=3;

                 cout<<" block2 :"<<blocks2[kBlock*memRank*2]<<" "<<blocks2[kBlock*memRank*2+1]<<" "<<blocks2[kBlock*memRank*2+2]<<" "<<blocks2[kBlock*memRank*2+3]<<" "<<blocks2[kBlock*memRank*2+4]<<" "<<blocks2[kBlock*memRank*2+5]<<endl;

                 herr_t err =H5Soffset_simple(memH5S,offset);
                 cout<<"offset:"<<offset[0]<<" "<<offset[1]<<" "<<offset[2]<<" "<<err<<endl;

                 cout<<" block2 :"<<blocks2[kBlock*memRank*2]<<" "<<blocks2[kBlock*memRank*2+1]<<" "<<blocks2[kBlock*memRank*2+2]<<" "<<blocks2[kBlock*memRank*2+3]<<" "<<blocks2[kBlock*memRank*2+4]<<" "<<blocks2[kBlock*memRank*2+5]<<endl;

give me that :

  block2 :0 0 7 3 3 7
offset:0 0 -7 0
  block2 :0 0 7 3 3 7

So the hyperslab doesn't look like it have been offsetted

HOWEVER the data when i read is put in the rigth offsetted place !

HOWEVER, i've not find any way to recover the current offset of the dataspace !

so :

How to check where is the current offsetted selection? using a direct method? or recover hyperslab block and offset?

Thanks for help