Fill value support


Currently, I am working on supporting S3 in my library which is build on top of HDF5 using VOL-REST in combination with HSDS. In one of my test I noticed that fill value is not supported in HSDS 0.8.x.

Are there any plans for implementing support of fill value in HSDS?

Best regards,


Fill value is supported in HSDS – e.g. see:

I thought it was supported in vol-rest as well. @mlarson - can you comment?

Fill value is supported in HSDS 0.8.1+, see here. It should also be supported in the REST VOL after this commit. Looking at it now though, it looks like an error will still be thrown when later opening a dataset that was created with a fill value - I’ll make an issue for this.

Thanks both @jreadey and @mlarson for your help. I must admit it is sometimes a bit confusing where to report an issue because it is not always clear to me if it is a bug in HSDS or VOL-REST.

No worries - if you are not sure if it’s HSDS or VOL-REST just report the issue and we can sort it out.