Getting raise IOError(f"Error retrieving data: {ioe.errno}") when running Gen.reV_run. I checked my API has limits remaining and sometimes the example runs and sometimes it doesn’t. Any help would be appreciated.
import os
import numpy as np
from reV import TESTDATADIR
from reV.config.project_points import ProjectPoints
from reV.generation.generation import Gen
from rex import init_logger
init_logger('reV', log_level='DEBUG')
lat_lons = np.array([[ 41.25, -71.66],
[ 41.45, -71.78]])
res_file = '/nrel/wtk/conus/wtk_conus_2014.h5' # HSDS 'file' path
sam_file = os.path.join('C://Users/Admin/Anaconda/envs/rev/','wind_gen_standard_losses_0.json')
pp = ProjectPoints.lat_lon_coords(lat_lons, res_file, sam_file)
gen = Gen.reV_run('windpower', pp, sam_file, res_file, max_workers=1,
out_fpath=None, output_request=('cf_mean', 'cf_profile'))