Cross-compiling the hdf5 from linux(debian) to windows(10)

Linux local compiling`s steps:
step01: ./configure
step02: make
At the directory ”/hdf5-1.10.5/src/“ , generated new files, such as, H5make_libsettings(linux program), H5lib_settings.c(the file was generated by linux program).

The cross-compiling`s steps from linux to windows:
step01: ./configure --prefix=/home/xx
–host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 CPPFLAGS=-I /xx/include LDLIBRARY=-L/xx/lib
step02: make

At the directory ”/hdf5-cross-compile/src/“ , generated new files, such as, H5make_libsettings(cross-compiling program). But when i copy the cross-compiling program to the windows,and i operate it, later,the process had generated nothing,so i`m confused,
Why ???

The work we did to support cross-compiling in HDF5-1.10.5 was done using CMake. Can you try using CMake instead of configure?

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Thank you very much for your reply!

So you can sure the method of configure has not been supported by HdfGroup?
And the cross-compilings program cant generated *.c file that is normal now?
I spent much time on it, so i am looking forward to your timely reply.

How do I go about cross compiling HDF5 from linux for windows?
Is this possible with hdf5-1.10.5 ?