Converting HDF5 Data to Tab-Delimited for SAS

The Million Song Database is an ~300 gig file stored in HDF5 format (, for info about the MSD data see tab ‘Getting the Dataset’).

I would like to convert it from HDF5 into a tab-delimited file or set of files that are accessible using the SAS software, not JMP the other SAS product.

Not being a data scientist and being kind of old school, my knowledge of software tools is finite.

Given the objective stated in the title, would anyone be able to recommend an easily-implementable solution?

I would like to convert it from HDF5 into a tab-delimited file or set of files that
are accessible using the SAS software, not JMP the other SAS product.
… would anyone be able to recommend an easily-implementable solution?

Here’s one: HDF5 ODBC Connector:

It basically allows any products that speaks ODBC – like SAS, Excel, Tableau, etc – to directly connect to HDF5 files without any intermediate step, conversion, etc.

– Dave