Compressed parallel writing problem

Good day,
Have a problem writing compressed data in parallel. I am using HDF5 1.10.3 version and code as discussed here.

In my code below, MASTER thread creates file with chunking and compression. Then every thread opens the file and writes to its own dataset (based on name). Without call h5pset_deflate_f(dcpl, 6, ierr) code works fine. But when I am adding call h5pset_deflate_f(dcpl, 6, ierr), only 1 of the cores writes its data and all other shows me like:

 DATASET "dataset20" {
  DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 10, 10 ) / ( 10, 10 ) }
     CHUNKED ( 5, 5 )
     SIZE 48 (8.333:1 COMPRESSION)
  DATA {h5dump error: unable to print data


It seems that somehow h5fd_mpio_collective_f stops working when I add parallel compression.

Test code:

 program test1

 use hdf5
 implicit none
 include 'mpif.h'

 integer :: numtasks, Pid, len, ierr , mpierror, info, c_len
 integer :: i, j
 !------------------ HDF variables ------------------!
 integer(hid_t) :: plist_id      ! property list identifier
 integer(hid_t) :: plist_id1      ! property list identifier
 integer(hid_t) :: dcpl          ! property list identifier
 integer(hid_t) :: file_id       ! file identifier
 integer(hid_t) :: dataset_id       ! dataset identifier
 integer(hid_t) :: dataspace_id     ! dataspace identifier in file
 integer(hsize_t), dimension(2) :: dimsf = (/10,10/) ! dataset dimensions
 integer :: rank = 2             ! dataset rank
 !------------------ Filter variables ---------------!
 integer, allocatable, target :: data(:,:)   ! data to write   
 integer(hsize_t), dimension(2) :: cdims = (/5,5/)
 character(mpi_max_processor_name) hostname
 character(len=100) :: filename  ! file name
 character(len=3) :: c           ! dataset name for specific rank
 character(len=10) :: dataset_name
 INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(1) :: data_dims
 ! initialize mpi
 call mpi_init(ierr)
 ! get number of tasks
 call mpi_comm_size(mpi_comm_world, numtasks, mpierror)
 ! get my rank
 call mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm_world, Pid, mpierror)
 ! initialize HDF5 fortran interface
 call h5open_f(ierr)
 info = mpi_info_null
 filename = "test1.hdf5"

 ! initialize some data to write
 allocate ( data(dimsf(1),dimsf(2)))
 do i = 1, dimsf(2)
    do j = 1, dimsf(1)
       data(j,i) = Pid + 1

 if (Pid == 0) then

     call h5fcreate_f(filename, h5f_acc_trunc_f, file_id, ierr)
     call h5screate_simple_f(rank, dimsf, dataspace_id, ierr)
     call h5pcreate_f(h5p_dataset_create_f, dcpl, ierr)

     call h5pset_chunk_f(dcpl, 2, cdims, ierr)

     call h5pset_alloc_time_f(dcpl, h5d_alloc_time_early_f, ierr)

 do i=1,numtasks

        write(c,"(i0)") i
        dataset_name = "dataset" // trim(c)

     call h5dcreate_f(file_id, dataset_name, h5t_native_integer, &
                         dataspace_id, dataset_id, ierr, dcpl_id=dcpl)
     call h5dclose_f(dataset_id, ierr)

end do
     call h5sclose_f(dataspace_id, ierr)

     call h5pclose_f(dcpl, ierr)

     call h5fclose_f(file_id, ierr)
 end if

  call mpi_barrier(mpi_comm_world, ierr)

  call h5pcreate_f(h5p_file_access_f, plist_id, ierr)
  call h5pset_fapl_mpio_f(plist_id, mpi_comm_world, info, ierr)  

  call h5fopen_f(filename, h5f_acc_rdwr_f, file_id, ierr, plist_id)

  call h5pclose_f(plist_id, ierr)
 write(c,"(i0)") Pid + 1
 dataset_name = "dataset" // trim(c)
 call h5dopen_f(file_id, dataset_name, dataset_id, ierr)

 call h5pcreate_f(h5p_dataset_xfer_f, plist_id, ierr)
 call h5pset_dxpl_mpio_f(plist_id, h5fd_mpio_collective_f, ierr)
 call h5dwrite_f(dataset_id, h5t_native_integer, data, dimsf, ierr, xfer_prp = plist_id)
 call h5pclose_f(plist_id, ierr)
 call h5dclose_f(dataset_id,ierr)
 call h5fclose_f(file_id, ierr)

 call h5close_f(ierr)


 call mpi_finalize(ierr)


Thank you in advance!

Hi @inchinp,

in order to use the parallel compression feature in HDF5, it is important to realize that the write to each dataset must be done by all MPI ranks involved. This is due to metadata modifications to the file, made as a result of the compression, needing to be seen by all MPI ranks. For more on HDF5 calls which must be used in this manner, please refer to:

In your particular case, this means that instead of each rank opening and writing to its own dataset, all ranks will need to loop over every dataset. While doing so, the single rank interested in a given dataset should write to it, while all other ranks write nothing, but still make the h5dwrite_f call.

During each iteration, for the ranks which have nothing to write to a particular dataset, you should call h5sselect_none_f on the dataspace used, as referred to here:

Thank you very much for help! It started to work, but I still have some problems. Here is my updated code for reference. It has the same structure as before: MASTER creates file, creates datasets, creates attributes for every dataset and writes all attributes. Then, in a loop, every core writes its own data, but all cores participate in collective writing. I am using call h5sselect_none_f(filespace, ierr) in a loop for cores which should not write data for particular dataset (as you suggested), so every core writes only its own data to its own dataset.

 ! =========================================================
  subroutine out3(maxmx,maxmy,maxmz,meqn,mbc,mx,my,&
 &     mz,xlower,ylower,zlower,dx,dy,dz,q,t,iframe)
 ! =========================================================

 use mpi
 use hdf5
 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)

 !------------------ HDF variables ------------------!
 integer(hid_t) :: plist_id      ! property list identifier
 integer(hid_t) :: dcpl          ! property list identifier
 integer(hid_t) :: file_id       ! file identifier
 integer(hid_t) :: dataset_id    ! dataset identifier
 integer(hid_t) :: dataspace_id  ! dataspace identifier
 double precision, allocatable :: attr_data(:,:)   ! data to write
 double precision, dimension(17) :: attr_datacur
 INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(1) :: adims = (/17/) ! Attribute dimension
 INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(1) :: data_dims
 INTEGER(HID_T) :: attr_id ! Attribute identifier
 INTEGER(HID_T) :: aspace_id ! Attribute dataspace identifier
 INTEGER(HID_T) :: atype_id ! Attribute dataspace identifier
 INTEGER :: arank = 1 ! Attribute rank
 integer(hid_t) :: filespace, memspace, memd

 !------------------ Filter variables ---------------!
 double precision, allocatable, target :: data(:,:,:,:)           ! data   
 integer(hsize_t), dimension(4) :: cdims = (/1,1,1,1/) ! chunks data dimensions

 !------------------ miscellaneous ------------------!
 character(len=3) :: c                                     ! dataset name for specific rank
 character(len=10) :: dataset_name
 integer :: rank = 4                                       ! data rank. q is 4D
 character(mpi_max_processor_name) hostname
 dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc,1-mbc:maxmz+mbc,meqn)
 integer(hsize_t), dimension(4) :: dimsf ! data dataset dimensions
 integer :: i,j,k,l,m,info,idd
 character*20 fname
 common /mpicomm/ mpi_comm_3d, lx, ly, lz
 common /mpi_proc_info/ np, id

call h5open_f(ierr)

dimsf(1) = mx
dimsf(2) = my
dimsf(3) = mz
dimsf(4) = meqn

allocate (data(dimsf(1),dimsf(2),dimsf(3),dimsf(4)))
allocate (attr_data(3,np))
 info = mpi_info_null
 fname = 'fort.q' &
 & // char(ichar('0') + mod(iframe/1000,10)) &
 & // char(ichar('0') + mod(iframe/100,10)) &
 & // char(ichar('0') + mod(iframe/10,10)) &
 & // char(ichar('0') + mod(iframe,10)) &
 & // '.h5'
  do k=1,mz
  do j=1,my
  do i=1,mx
  do m=1,meqn
  if (abs(q(i,j,k,m)) .lt. 1d-99) then
  q(i,j,k,m) = 0.d0
  end if
  data(i,j,k,m) = q(i,j,k,m)
  end do
  end do
  end do
  end do

! have id 0 creates hdf5 file, data layout and write all attributes
if (id == 0) then

call h5tcopy_f(h5t_native_double,atype_id,ierr)

cdims(1) = dimsf(1)
cdims(2) = dimsf(2)
cdims(3) = dimsf(3)
cdims(4) = int(meqn/2)

 idd = 1
 do i=0,lx-1
 do j=0,ly-1
 !do kk=0,lz-1
    attr_data(1,idd) = i*mx*dx
    attr_data(2,idd) = j*my*dy
    attr_data(3,idd) = k*mz*dz
    idd = idd + 1
 end do
 end do

	 call h5screate_simple_f(arank,adims,aspace_id, ierr)

     call h5fcreate_f(fname, h5f_acc_trunc_f, file_id, ierr)

     call h5screate_simple_f(rank, dimsf, dataspace_id, ierr)
     call h5pcreate_f(h5p_dataset_create_f, dcpl, ierr)
     call h5pset_chunk_f(dcpl, 4, cdims, ierr)

     call h5pset_deflate_f(dcpl, 6, ierr)
     call h5pset_alloc_time_f(dcpl, h5d_alloc_time_early_f, ierr)
     !call h5pset_alloc_time_f(dcpl, H5D_ALLOC_TIME_INCR_f, ierr)
    attr_datacur(1) = gridno
    attr_datacur(2) = level
    attr_datacur(3) = mx
    attr_datacur(4) = my
    attr_datacur(5) = mz
    attr_datacur(9) = dx
    attr_datacur(10) = dy
    attr_datacur(11) = dz
    attr_datacur(12) = t
    attr_datacur(13) = iframe
    attr_datacur(14) = meqn
    attr_datacur(15) = lx
    attr_datacur(16) = ly
    attr_datacur(17) = lz

  do i=1,np

    attr_datacur(6) = attr_data(1,i) ! xlower
    attr_datacur(7) = attr_data(2,i) ! ylower
    attr_datacur(8) = attr_data(3,i) ! zlower

     write(c,"(i0)") i
     dataset_name = "Pid" // trim(c)

     call h5dcreate_f(file_id, dataset_name, h5t_native_double, &
                         dataspace_id, dataset_id, ierr, dcpl_id=dcpl)
     call h5acreate_f(dataset_id,"Parameters",atype_id,aspace_id,attr_id, ierr)
     data_dims(1) = 17
     call h5awrite_f(attr_id, atype_id, attr_datacur, data_dims, ierr)
     call h5aclose_f(attr_id, ierr)                     

     call h5dclose_f(dataset_id, ierr)

     call h5sclose_f(aspace_id, ierr)
     call h5tclose_f(atype_id, ierr)
     call h5sclose_f(dataspace_id, ierr)

     call h5pclose_f(dcpl, ierr)

     call h5fclose_f(file_id, ierr)
  end if

  call mpi_barrier(mpi_comm_3d, ierr)

 call h5pcreate_f(h5p_file_access_f, plist_id, ierr)
 call h5pset_fapl_mpio_f(plist_id, mpi_comm_3d, info, ierr)

 call h5fopen_f(fname, h5f_acc_rdwr_f, file_id, ierr, plist_id)
 call h5pclose_f(plist_id, ierr) 
 ! h5p_dataset_xfer_f: property for raw data transfer
 call h5pcreate_f(h5p_dataset_xfer_f, plist_id, ierr)
 call h5pset_dxpl_mpio_f(plist_id, h5fd_mpio_collective_f, ierr)

 do i=1,np

 write(c,"(i0)") i
 dataset_name = "Pid" // trim(c)

 call h5dopen_f(file_id, dataset_name, dataset_id, ierr)

 call h5dget_space_f(dataset_id,filespace,ierr)
 if (id /= i-1) then
 call h5sselect_none_f(filespace, ierr)
 end if

 call h5dwrite_f(dataset_id, h5t_native_double, data, & 
 & dimsf, ierr, file_space_id=filespace, xfer_prp = plist_id)

 call h5sclose_f(filespace, ierr)
 call h5dclose_f(dataset_id,ierr)
 call h5pclose_f(plist_id, ierr)
 call h5fclose_f(file_id, ierr)
 call h5close_f(ierr)

After 67 successful outputs (67 files are written correctly with chunking and compression and to every dataset) I start to get errors like:

 HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.10.3) MPI-process 72:
  #000: H5Dio.c line 336 in H5Dwrite(): can't write data
    major: Dataset
    minor: Write failed
  #001: H5Dio.c line 828 in H5D__write(): can't write data
    major: Dataset
    minor: Write failed
  #002: H5Dmpio.c line 893 in H5D__chunk_collective_write(): write error
    major: Dataspace
    minor: Write failed
  #003: H5Dmpio.c line 811 in H5D__chunk_collective_io(): couldn't finish filtered linked chunk MPI-IO
    major: Low-level I/O
    minor: Can't get value
  #004: H5Dmpio.c line 1308 in H5D__link_chunk_filtered_collective_io(): couldn't construct filtered I/O info list
    major: Dataset
    minor: Unable to initialize object
  #005: H5Dmpio.c line 2608 in H5D__construct_filtered_io_info_list(): unable to redistribute shared chunks
    major: Dataset
    minor: Write failed
  #006: H5Dmpio.c line 2695 in H5D__chunk_redistribute_shared_chunks(): can't get fapl
    major: Dataset
    minor: Can't get value
  #007: H5Fint.c line 203 in H5F_get_access_plist(): can't set file driver ID & info
    major: Property lists
    minor: Can't set value
  #008: H5Pint.c line 3043 in H5P_set(): can't operate on plist to set value
    major: Property lists
    minor: Can't operate on object
  #009: H5Pint.c line 2641 in H5P__do_prop(): can't operate on property
    major: Property lists
    minor: Can't operate on object
  #010: H5Pint.c line 2883 in H5P__set_plist_cb(): can't set property value
    major: Property lists
    minor: Unable to initialize object
  #011: H5Pfapl.c line 1182 in H5P__facc_file_driver_set(): can't copy file driver
    major: Property lists
    minor: Unable to copy object
  #012: H5Pfapl.c line 1054 in H5P__file_driver_copy(): driver info copy failed
    major: Property lists
    minor: Unable to copy object
  #013: H5FDmpio.c line 752 in H5FD_mpio_fapl_copy(): Communicator/Info duplicate failed
    major: Internal error (too specific to document in detail)
    minor: Unable to copy object
  #014: H5FDmpi.c line 309 in H5FD_mpi_comm_info_dup(): MPI_Comm_dup failed
    major: Internal error (too specific to document in detail)
    minor: Some MPI function failed
  #015: H5FDmpi.c line 309 in H5FD_mpi_comm_info_dup(): Other MPI error, error stack:
PMPI_Comm_dup(192)..................: MPI_Comm_dup(comm=0xc4000005, new_comm=0x7ffffec9f210) failed
PMPI_Comm_dup(171)..................: fail failed
MPIR_Comm_dup_impl(57)..............: fail failed
MPIR_Comm_copy(838).................: fail failed
MPIR_Get_contextid_sparse_group(676): Too many communicators (0/16384 free on this process; ignore_id=0)
    major: Internal error (too specific to document in detail)
    minor: MPI Error String

It seems that the problem is with “Too many communicators” (I have 240 cores and my simulation stops at 68th frame what is close to number of communicators in errror (240*68~=16384)) , but I am not sure why all communicators are busy, because everything is closed (all files, all datasets, dataspaces, property lists etc). Code worked fine without collective writing in a loop, so I think the problem is with filespace which somehow doesn’t close after writing. Do I use call h5sselect_none_f(filespace, ierr) properly here? I also tried to close filespace outside the loop, but it doesn’t help.

Thank you in advance.

Hi again @inchinp,

Would it be possible to try your code using the latest HDF5 develop branch? After looking back through the code for 1.10.3, it looks as though there is a bug where the File Access Property List, which is internally copied by all ranks during setup, is not being closed at the end of each write call. I believe this would explain why you are seeing a buildup of all of these communicators.

Thank you for advice. We installed HDF5 1.10.4, but the problem is still presented. Same problem with occupying of all communicators.

Here I found discussion of quite similar problem with Intel MPI:

We have encountered the same problem with our structured multiblock solver and IntelMPI 5.0.3. After many serial writes the solver reliably crashes due to a lack of free communicators (16384 in the case of IntelMPI). Building CGNS & HDF5 without parallel support resolves the problem. We do not observe the problem with OpenMPI, but it is not clear what the maximum number of communicators is in OpenMPI so it might just be delayed.

Can it be the problem with Intel MPI? Here is my configuration of HDF5:


 General Information:
           HDF5 Version: 1.10.4
          Configured on: Wed Oct 17 13:50:08 EDT 2018
          Configured by: hpcctest@node055
            Host system: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
      Uname information: Linux node055 3.10.0-862.3.3.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Jun 15 04:15:27 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64$
               Byte sex: little-endian
     Installation point: /cm/shared/apps/hdf5/intel-mpi/intel-compiler/1.10.4

 Compiling Options:
             Build Mode: production
      Debugging Symbols: no
                Asserts: no
              Profiling: no
     Optimization Level: high

  Linking Options:
              Libraries: static, shared
 Statically Linked Executables:

AM_LDFLAGS:  -L/cm/shared/apps/szip/intel-compiler/2.1.1/lib
        Extra libraries: -lsz -lz -ldl -lm
               Archiver: ar
               AR_FLAGS: cr
                 Ranlib: ranlib

                      C: yes
             C Compiler: /cm/shared/apps/intel/compilers_and_libraries/2018.1.163/mpi/intel64/bin/mpiicc ( Intel(R$
            AM_CPPFLAGS:  -I/cm/shared/apps/szip/intel-compiler/2.1.1/include
                C Flags: -O2 -xHost -ip -w

             H5 C Flags:   -std=c99 -Wcheck -Wall  -Wl,-s  -O3
             AM C Flags:
       Shared C Library: yes
       Static C Library: yes

                Fortran: yes
       Fortran Compiler: /cm/shared/apps/intel/compilers_and_libraries/2018.1.163/mpi/intel64/bin/mpiifort ( Intel$
          Fortran Flags: -O2 -xHost -ip -w
       H5 Fortran Flags:    -O3
       AM Fortran Flags:
 Shared Fortran Library: yes
 Static Fortran Library: yes

                    C++: no

                   Java: no

           Parallel HDF5: yes
 Parallel Filtered Dataset Writes: yes
      Large Parallel I/O: yes
      High-level library: yes
            Threadsafety: no
     Default API mapping: v110
  With deprecated public symbols: yes

  I/O filters (external): deflate(zlib),szip(encoder)
              Direct VFD: no
                 dmalloc: no
 Packages w/ extra debug output: none
             API tracing: no
    Using memory checker: no
Memory allocation sanity checks: no
     Metadata trace file: no
  Function stack tracing: no
Strict file format checks: no
Optimization instrumentation: no

I don’t think that I am using MPI communicator not correctly, because if I run the same code without call h5pset_deflate_f(dcpl, 6, ierr), the code works fine and no problems with communicators appear.

I also checked filespace trying to close it in a loop and after the loop what gave me error that filespace was already closed. So seems communicators are not freed somewhere in inner routines.

So it seems the problem with parallel compressed writing…

I apologize if you did not receive my edited reply in time, but I had to edit my previous response to point you toward the develop branch instead, as I determined the bug is in the 1.10.4 release as well. However, it should not be present in the current development branch.

This problem only exists within the logic for parallel compressed writing, which is why you see the problem disappear when the call to h5pset_deflate_f is removed. Indeed, the communicators are not being freed inside one of our internal routines.

We have discussed this problem and I believe the resolution is that either a patch will be issued for 1.10.4 or the fix will make it into the next release. Having said that, I’d like to design a test that can reliably reproduce this when run with any number of MPI ranks so that we can verify that our fix works.

Stay posted and thanks for helping to discover this bug.

Hi Jordan,

We at FNAL have been waiting for 1.10.4 precisely because of fixes to compressed parallel writing. If you were able to identify the commits in develop that must be applied to 1.10.4 we would be able to formulate a patch for our build and packaging procedure and move forward.

Thanks for your help,


As my colleague just pointed out to me, we would be in a position to test at scale, both at NERSC and ALCF.



Good day,

Thank you for clarification. I can confirm that for run with 240 threads (Intel MPI compiler shown earlier) the bug is fixed with current development branch.

Thank you for help!

Is the collective read/write restriction ever mentioned in any official document? The link does not talk about H5Dwrite and H5Dread.
I can guess that there is such restriction due to the reason you mentioned but can not find any official document to make sure.

Hi @khl7265,

for a while now the feature has been essentially experimental and the collective requirement for H5Dwrite didn’t really make it into any official documentation; it was only mentioned in the HDF5 1.10.2 release blog post that @inchinp linked at the start of this topic. That being said, we are hoping to make some improvements to the feature in the near future and part of that would entail better documentation and examples for users.