The config line is:
./configure --enable-java --disable-fortran
The error looks like:
Standard Doclet version 11.0.3
Building tree for all the packages and classes…
./hdf/hdflib/HDFLibrary.java:41: error: tag not supported in the generated HTML version: center
./hdf/hdflib/HDFLibrary.java:42: error: attribute border for table only accepts “” or “1”, use CSS instead: BORDER
./hdf/hdflib/HDFLibrary.java:42: error: attribute not supported in HTML5: cellpadding
./hdf/hdflib/HDFLibrary.java:120: error: tag not supported in the generated HTML version: center
./hdf/hdflib/HDFLibrary.java:193: error: tag not supported in the generated HTML version: center
Generating javadoc/index.html…
…/…/java/src/hdf/overview.html:12: error: tag not supported in the generated HTML version: center
../../java/src/hdf/overview.html:12: error: attribute not supported in HTML5: COLS
../../java/src/hdf/overview.html:12: error: attribute not supported in HTML5: WIDTH
../../java/src/hdf/overview.html:12: error: attribute not supported in HTML5: BGCOLOR
../../java/src/hdf/overview.html:15: error: tag not supported in the generated HTML version: center
Note: The JHI4 only supports HDF4.
../../java/src/hdf/overview.html:18: error: no summary or caption for table
../../java/src/hdf/overview.html:91: error: attribute not supported in HTML5: NAME
To Obtain
Building with JDK 8 is OK, though.
I tried JDK 11 with --with-javac-flags="-Xdoclint:none", but not working.