Cannot install HDFView.msi; is .exe version available?

I have previously used HDFView as installed from the .msi installer file.

However, a new IT Group Policy at my institution will not allow installs from .msi files.

Is there an .exe version of HDFView installer, or any near-term plans to make this available?


We provide an .exe version of the HDFView installer with release 3.1.2. You can get that from here:


Hi Barbara,
Thank you very much.

It is a coincidence that also today a colleague also pointed me to the 3.1.2 release with the .exe extension.

Unfortunately, the .exe installed version of HDFView is not working.

After the install, if I try to run the HDFView program, a black DOS Command window pops up for about a half-second and then disappears, with nothing else happening after that.

I noticed that someone else had also posted this issues in the forum not too long ago, but without resolution in the reply.

Do you know why this would be happening during the attempted launch of the HDFView program, after it seemingly installed OK?


It could be a permissions issue. Try executing the HDFView.exe from the install location in a cmd window.


We created scripts for launching HDFView. Can you try the windows script (hdfview.bat) to see if it solves your problem? See the portal page for more information:

The direct link to the scripts is:


I have the same problem HDFView 3.1.2 in Windows 10. I downloaded the hdfview.bat file and put it in the HDFView.exe file. Still the same problem persists (black cmd screen flashes for one second). Any suggestions?

Could it be placed in the wrong directory?
You can view hdfview.bat to see the paths that it expects the files to be in.

Try opening a command prompt and running the batch file, there might be more information displayed.

I tried running the hdfview.bat file from the cmd line without success. Here are the details:

Created a folder, c:\HDF_files
Placed hdfview.bat and HDFView-3.1.2.exe in the folder
Opened the cmd line
Changed the directory in the command line to c:\HDF_files
Ran the command hdfview.bat
Got the error, "The system cannot find the file c:\HDF_files\runtime\bin\javaw.exe

Update to the error in the previous post. I performed the actions below with success in launching the hdfview program:

Ran the executable HDFView-3.1.1.exe from windows explorer.

As explained in a previous post, a black command window briefly pops up and then goes away. Nothing else happens after that.

Found the file folder location where the above executable file extracted a group of files and folders, which was, C:\Users\alcook1\AppData\Local\HDF_Group\HDFView.

Placed the batch file, hdfview.bat, into this folder.

Opened up a command window and changed the directory to C:\Users\alcook1\AppData\Local\HDF_Group\HDFView.

From the command window, ran the batch file hdfview.bat.

The HDFviewer was successfully launched.

Created a batch file on my desktop to make this process a little easier. Contents of desktop batch file:
cd C:\Users\alcook1\AppData\Local\HDF_Group\HDFView

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Thanks, Anthony!
The process you outlined also worked for me.