Cannot download hdfview on Ubuntu 20.04

I’ve been trying for the last two hours to get this to work and it’s been really frustrating. This has been a problem for almost two years now with 2.11 and the repositories have not been updated on debian/ubuntu. I tried everything I could find on the internet and nothing has worked. The closest I got to success was this one:

but it just says that it’s installed but when I try to open hdfview it says there isn’t an hdfview installed.
Any help on this is appreciated.

You might be interested in checking out my previous post on the topic:

best wishes:

We have binaries available from our website download page,, for most of the latest distros.
HDFView 3.1.3 (all available binaries) are at
Note that the versions with “App” in the name are basically a folder/file image without installer tool options.
For those windows users, the path to the dlls need attention before use. Two ways to solve; 1. use the batch script, in HDFView/app/mods, which adds the dll folder to the path. 2. Copy the dlls from the HDFView/app/mods folder next to the the exe in the HDFView folder.

The plotting/data functions have not been updated in a long time and could use some guidance for those non-data view functions.


Yes I tried that but there is no .sh file in the package when I extract it

This worked thank you. I guess last night I was trying so many things that I thought I ended up trying yours but I didn’t.

For the record, just checked, clearly worked for me, here is the content of the tape archive:

COPYING  HDFView-2.14-centos7_64.tar.gz  README.txt
