I was trying to build and install HDF5 on an OpenSUSE box today when the installation failed. Turns out on line 887 of the top level CMakeLists.txt the capitalization of a file name does NOT match what is on the file system. It should be "USING_CMake.txt" instead of "Using_CMake.txt".
Would it be possible to update the source archive on the web site? I am writing a script that downloads the .tar.gz and tries to build but this error is stopping the script from executing properly.
That document is changing names ( older ones getting removed) and I must have missed that - I will fix it properly.
On Monday, June 18, 2012 03:29:51 PM Michael Jackson wrote:
I was trying to build and install HDF5 on an OpenSUSE box today when the installation failed. Turns out on line 887 of the top level CMakeLists.txt the capitalization of a file name does NOT match what is on the file system. It should be "USING_CMake.txt" instead of "Using_CMake.txt".
Would it be possible to update the source archive on the web site? I am writing a script that downloads the .tar.gz and tries to build but this error is stopping the script from executing properly.
Mike Jackson Principal Software Engineer
BlueQuartz Software Dayton, Ohio
mike.jackson@bluequartz.net www.bluequartz.net
I just checked the svn and logs - they are correct. I will contact the maintainer and track down the error.
On Monday, June 18, 2012 03:29:51 PM Michael Jackson wrote:
I was trying to build and install HDF5 on an OpenSUSE box today when the installation failed. Turns out on line 887 of the top level CMakeLists.txt the capitalization of a file name does NOT match what is on the file system. It should be "USING_CMake.txt" instead of "Using_CMake.txt".
Would it be possible to update the source archive on the web site? I am writing a script that downloads the .tar.gz and tries to build but this error is stopping the script from executing properly.
Mike Jackson Principal Software Engineer
BlueQuartz Software Dayton, Ohio
mike.jackson@bluequartz.net www.bluequartz.net
Building HDF5 via CMake on Linux is not yet fully supported, and the current preferred build method on Linux is via the GNU Build System (./configure, make, make install �), so we have decided not to push the change into an official patched version of the 1.8.9 source at this time as we consider this a noncritical issue.
That being said, we are actively working to improve our support for CMake across other platforms in addition to Windows, and have amended our release testing and packaging workflow to prevent and catch this type of issue in future releases. We appreciate the community's involvement in making us aware of issues of this nature.
Thank you!
- Mike
Michael Jackson wrote:
I was trying to build and install HDF5 on an OpenSUSE box today when the installation failed. Turns out on line 887 of the top level CMakeLists.txt the capitalization of a file name does NOT match what is on the file system. It should be "USING_CMake.txt" instead of "Using_CMake.txt".
Would it be possible to update the source archive on the web site? I am writing a script that downloads the .tar.gz and tries to build but this error is stopping the script from executing properly.
Mike Jackson Principal Software Engineer
BlueQuartz Software Dayton, Ohio
mike.jackson@bluequartz.net www.bluequartz.net