Hi Folks -
I've made progress on my "iteratively writing to compound datatype"
project, but have a new question. Let me first summarize my situation. I am
working on an application that reads messages in a variety of formats and
presents their data to users. I am experimenting with creating compound
datatypes to represent messages. As I'm reading messages, when I hit a new
type, I essentially read it twice: the first time to build the datatype,
the second time to write the data.
Some of the messages contain arrays of values, and I'm not getting more
than one element to show up in the output file. I'm hoping that if I
describe what I'm doing, someone can spot my mistake (or mistakes).
As I go through the message, when I hit an array (let's say that its name
is *arrayField*), I create a slot for it in my compound datatype:
*HT5insert(compoundType, "arrayField", currentOffset, dataType)*.
I then increase currentOffset by the total size of the array (e.g. 3x4
array of int means *currentOffset += 12*sizeof(int)*).
I then skip over the remaining values in the array as I continue reading
through the message.
Once I've finished building the datatype, I start writing the values. When
I hit *arrayField*, I set up an *offset *array, initialized to 0s. I then
go through the following sequence:
*valueDT = H5Tcreate(H5T_COMPOUND, dtSize);* // creating in-memory datatype
for value
*H5Tinsert(valueDT, "arrayField", 0, dataType);*
*filespace = H5Dget_space(dataSet);*
*hsize_t* count = new hsize_t[dimensions+1];* // +1 for datatype itself
*hsize_t* stride = **new hsize_t[dimensions+1];*
*hsize_t* block = **new hsize_t[dimensions+1];
// fill in values for count, stride and block.
// count gets [1, dim1, dim2],
// stride and block get [1, 1, 1]
*H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, count, stride,
*H5Dwrite(dataSet, valueDT, dataSpace, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, &value);*
The next value gets read, and I use "odometer" logic on *offset*.* *In* *this
case, the last value in the array goes from 0 to 1. The above steps then
get repeated.
I'm most suspicious of my settings for *count*, *stride* and *block*. That
said, I'm not overly confident about any other aspect of my approach