410 Gone error when trying to upload file using "hsload"

I have just started the free Kita trial. I’ve followed the instructions to import an existing HDF5 file, but I’m getting a 410 Gone error when I issue the hsload command.

Can anybody provide any help in debugging this please?


Hi Craig,

It looks the home folder wasn’t setup properly for your account. I’ve (re)-created it, give hsload another try if you could.


Hi John,

I am having the same problem. Can you also do the same fix for me.


Hi Doruk,

Strange. Do you recall what was the last command you did prior to the folder going away?

I’ve restored it now.



Hi John,

Problem is fixed now. Thank you very much for your quick response.
I think the folder was never there by default. I did not run any hsrm command.

What other command can remove the user folder?


Ok let me know if you run into any other problems.

Hi John,

I just signed up for the free trial and I am having the same 410 error when hsload a sample hdf5 file.

Can you please help me as well.

Thanks a lot!

Hi Gaurav,

I think this is another case of the missing home folder issue. Try it now, I created a folder for you: /home/gaurav.nema/. Are you able to run: hsacl /home/gaurav.nema/ and see two entries?