[PATCH] Relative filenames for external files

Hi Steffen,


On Mar 30, 2015, at 2:49 AM, Steffen Kieß <Steffen.Kiess@ipvs.uni-stuttgart.de> wrote:


On 2015-03-12 00:08, Elena Pourmal wrote:


Thank you for the new patch! I’ll let you know if we have any questions.

is there any update on this? Is there anything I can do to help?

Yes, there is.

On Friday, March 27, we reviewed the patch and concluded that we cannot accept it as it is. Applications that rely on the current behavior will be broken.
Would you like to have a telecon with us to discuss the issue and see how we can move forward with the fix? We really appreciate your effort and would like to resolve the issue.

Thank you!

Elena Pourmal The HDF Group http://hdfgroup.org
1800 So. Oak St., Suite 203, Champaign IL 61820

Best regards,
Steffen Kieß

Elena Pourmal The HDF Group http://hdfgroup.org
1800 So. Oak St., Suite 203, Champaign IL 61820

On Mar 11, 2015, at 1:28 PM, Steffen Kieß >> <Steffen.Kiess@ipvs.uni-stuttgart.de >> <mailto:Steffen.Kiess@ipvs.uni-stuttgart.de>> wrote:

(I'm not sure where the sources for the Reference Manual and the
User's Guide are, so I'm not sure who will apply these changes / how I
can submit patches for that.)


A paragraph can be added to the Description:

If 'name' is a relative filename, it will be considered relative to
the HDF5 file. In this case when the HDF5 file is moved, the external
files should be moved along with it.

And to History:
1.8.15 Relative filenames are now considered relative to the HDF5
file, not to the current directory.


To last paragraph of "5.5.4. External Storage Properties":
All referenced external data files must exist before performing raw
data I/O on the dataset. This is normally not a problem since those
files are being managed directly by the application or indirectly
through some other library. However, if the file is transferred from
its original context, care must be taken to assure that all the
external files are accessible in the new location.

If relative filenames are used, they will be considered relative to
the location of the HDF5 file.

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